Minutes of a Council Meeting held in the Village Hall
on Tuesday 22th January 2018 at 7.30pm.

Public participation. A member of the public spoke about his planning application.
Present: Mrs Margaret Price (Chair), Cllr Rosemarie Harris, Mr David Filsell, Mr
David Williams, Mr David Evans, Mr David Mantle , Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr Alan
James and Mr Paul Lindoewood.
In attendance: S.Dale (Clerk) and 2 members of the public.

1. Apologies for absence: Mr George Moretta and Mr Gene Taylor.
2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: Mrs
Elizabeth Gibbs declared an interest in item 8 Plot 26 at Glanyrafon
and took no part in the discussion.
3. Signing of the minutes of the meeting held on the 27th
November 2018 were approved. Proposed by DE and seconded
by DW.
4. Correspondence:
a. Clerk and Councils Direct
b. Email from a resident commenting on the Forge Road
telephone kiosk and bridge alert lights.
c. One Voice Wales Bulletin
d. Crickhowell Civic Society email query to the Police and
Crime Commissioner
e. Supplementary Planning Guidance consultation
5. Clerk's Report
Late correspondence – for information only:
a. Circuit Wales something from Wales online – see printout
in correspondence.
b. Fit tight lids to cisterns after risk analysis of toilets ask a
former councillor for advice.
c. Camera at car park – see print out in correspondence.
d. Cost of fortnightly green waste collection, is not available.
Powys County Council were keen to point out the
advantages of the new policy for residents, ie that they
would not have to take their green waste to the community
bins ...
e. “Steps” at Forge Road have been dealt with by Powys
County Council.
6. Finance:
a. Statement of Accounts and Bank reconciliation for
December 2018 and January 2019. Approved.
b. Cheques to be approved in January 2019.
Cleaning the car park (Jan) £37.50
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Dec so) £333.21
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Jan so) £333.21
Cleaning the public conveniences (Jan) £114.50
Cleaning the public conveniences (Contractor 2 Nov)
Cleaning the car park (Contractor 2 Nov) £20.001
Cleaning the public conveniences (Contractor 1 Nov)
Cleaning the car park (Contractor 1 Nov) £17.501
Metrorod (blockage at the toilets) £228.001
Supplies for the toilets £36.561
Electricity for the toilets £52.421
c. Cheques to be approved in November 2018.
Cleaning the Car Park (Nov) £37.501
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Nov so) £333.21
Cleaning the public conveniences (Nov) £114.502
Burial Ground Trust Donation £200.003
Zurich Municipal (Insurance) £391.693
Supplies for the refurbishment of the school telephone
kiosk £50.39
Llangynidr History Society (commemoration event)£100.003
Clook Internet Service Provider Disk space (S Dale) £11.44
RBL Poppy Appeal Wreath and ribbon £19.253
Transfer payment for £1300 tree surgery £23.003
Auditor's fee donation (to be decided at item 21) £80.00
7. Report from the County Councillor.
There may be the possibility of further planning applications on the
Glanyrafon site in Llangynidr. The County Councillor is hoping to
be able to persaud a local landowner that allotments could be
accommodated on his land. The Local Development Plan for
Brecon Beacons National Park (BBNP) is being reviewed at the
moment. Candidate sites have been sought, apparently there are
none in Llangynidr. Concerns, recently expressed, about flooding
and sewerage problems, prompted the County Councillor to suggest
that a smal watercourses expert at PCC could look at the Nant Y Ail.
Council tax increase will be around 8-10% equating to about
£2.40/week on a band D property. Many cuts have been made, but
most services have been kept. Dyfed-Powys Police have published
an increase of 11%.
Powys County Council are hoping to be able to use property sales
income for revenue expenditure.
No new schools are being planned for the Crickhowell area.
1 Split between contractor1 (17.50) and contractor 2 (£20.00).
2 Split between contractor 1 (£53.43) and contractor 2 (£61.07).
3 For approval only
8. Planning Applications: 19/16999/FUL Plot 26 Glanyrafon EG
declared an interest and took no part in the discussion. No
18/16984/FUL Llanerch-y-Beudy, Dyffryn Crawnon No
objections - the application, if approved, would be an
9. Tree management progress report. Budget provision may be
needed to address any tree problems identifed on the riverbank.
10. Persondy grazing licence to be discussed and assigned. No
tenders were forthcoming, item adjourned to February.
11.Data Protection Policy and consideration of the selection of
material for destruction. It was agreed that no planning
application papers should be kept, apart from a few of the more
controversial cases. The policy approval to be adjourned to
12.Independent Remuneration Panel stipulations for 2019-2020
require that Councillors declare their intention NOT to
claim allowances if that be the case. This is done in a letter
to the clerk. To be discussed and action agreed. Councillors
present chose not to claim their allowance entitlement.
13.Crickhowell Resource and Information Centre are running a
Walking Festival in March, they are asking if they can use
the village Car Park on the 10/11 and 15th of March. To be
discussed and action agreed. Resolved: To allow the walkers use
of the car park provided thay make a donation to the Community
Council, which thay can do via the toilet donation arrangement.
Clerk to inform the organisers.
14.The Llangattock Litterpickers are now picking litter off
Cwm Crawnon Road on a regular basis. They suggest that
the Community Council establish a Twitter account to
enable good communications. To be discussed and action
Resolved: Litter pickers are welcome, but as no-one is familiar with
this type of social media, the Community Council will have to
15.A grants policy is to be discussed and approved. Adjourned
to February.
16.Following an enquiry from a councillor about planning aid
training in “Responses to planning applications” a training
event in the village hall is being considered for 9th April
2019. To be discussed and action agreed. Resolved:Clerk to go
ahead with the training, checking that the LDP revisions are
17.The Community Council has been asked to discuss
Community Supported Agriculture as it could be applied to
the village. The idea does not compete with allotments,
which have been a long time goal of the community council,
but allows varying commitment to the project, potentially
increasing the pool of participants. Land is sought for the
project. Item adjourned to February. Clerk to circulate the full
18.A salary rise for clerks has been awarded. It is £10.37/hour
up from £10.107/hour, this equates to £311.10/month up from
£303.21. To be discussed and action agreed. Approved
19.The road surface in Cyffredyn Lane is deteriorating. To be
discussed and action agreed. Quite a lot of work has been done
on this lane recently. RH to liase with Highways.
20.Brecon Beacons National Park have requested that the
Community Council discuss the status of former footpath at
Pen Twyn. The Rights of Way Offcer at Brecon Beacons National
Park wrote to the Community Council to ask if there was any
interest in applying for the path to be a right of way. Resolved: No
wish to pursue right of way status, the Community Council would
be happy with a permissive path there. Clerk to write to Offcer.
21.Reports from meetings attended: Village Hall Committee had a
meeting about the expanding football club. They would like to have
foodlit football on Thursday nights and this is being considered.
EG attended a One Voice Wales meeting on traffc safety. The
question of a 20mph limit on Cwm Crawnon Road was raised by
EG. It was declared that 20mph limits were usually reserved for
School areas. Vehicle activates signs were discussed, the mobile ones
were thought to be best. The advice was to press for a mobile sign.
The Chair thanked EG for her attendance.
22. Any agenda items for the next meeting from Councillors:
Clerk to write to the Village Hall Committee to request a
meeting on the date of their choice.
The WI wish to plant 15 trees in the recreation ground and
have in mind specifc locations.
Date of next meeting: 26th February 2019
Signed by the Chair