Minutes of a Council Meeting held in the Village Hall
on Tuesday 24th September 2019 at 7.30pm.
Public participation. Mr Eifion Jones, Rights of Way Officer for the Brecon
Beacon National Park Authority (BBNPA) thanked the Community Council for
inviting him to speak – a resident had complained about the closure of a local path at
Pen Twyn. The Officer said he had been unable to convey to the resident that the
path was not a registered public right of way. He went on to explain that should the
Community Council support the resident in defining the path as a right of way and
the case went to appeal, BBNPA would be likely to pay the costs. However, these
cases can become emotional and divisive. Mr Jones has spoken with the resident and
advised her to approach the Ramblers for support in the matter. (see item 17)
Present: Mrs Margaret Price (Chair), Mr David Williams, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr
Alan James, Mr Mark Brian, Mr George Moretta, Mr David Filsell and County
Councillor Rosemarie Harris.
In attendance: Rights of Way Officer for Brecon Beacons National Park Authority
Mr E.Jones and S.Dale (Clerk).
1. Absent: Mr David Mantle, Mr Paul Lindoewood and Mr Gene
2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: None
3. Signing of the minutes:
a. the meeting held on the 30th July 2019. Proposer: DW,
Seconder: MB
b. the human resources committee meeting held on 30th July
2019. Proposer: MP, Seconder: GM
c. the extraordinary meeting held on Tuesday 13th August
2019. Proposer: EG, Seconder: AJ
d. the extraordinary meeting held on Tuesday 27th August
2019. Proposer: MB, Seconder: DW
4. Correspondence:
a. Clerks and Council's Direct. Circulation
b. Land Registry return of the 3 parcels of land deeds, registration
having been completed. Circulation
c. Police and Crime Commissioner's July Newsletter and Annual
Report 2018-19. Circulation
d. Brecon Advice Centre, annual report and accounts. Circulation
5. Clerk’s Report.
£40.54 has been donated to the public conveniences.
19 hours spent on the Riverbank work up to 30th August 2019.
There has been a letter from a resident for the Place Plan Team.
Another resident has copied the Community Council into a letter
to her MP about a traffc incident on Forge Road.
Audit for 2018-19 has been returned with a qualifed opinion.
A discussion with Natural Resources Wales about the Community
Council's responsibilities towards the riverbank as a Site of Special
Scientifc Interest and as a Special Area of Conservation.
There has been concern over an adventure challenge Saturday 28th
September, this has resulted in a change of route for the adventure
challenge, although it will still be going through Llangynidr.
Last Sunday broken glass was found in a section of the car park
and on the slide in the playground. It has been cleared away by
several volunteers but the community needs to be watchful as there
are still some very small pieces of broken glass in the area around
the recycling bins.
Powys County Council has written asking for greater
communication and co-operation with Town and Community
Councils. Spring and Autumn meetings are being considered and
possibly webinars. To go on the agenda for October. SD
6. Finance:
a. Statement of accounts, bank reconciliation and budget for
September 19. Approved
b. Cheques to be approved in September 2019. Approved
Mr K Morgan(locksmith) for archive cupboard £50.00
Cleaning the car park (Sept) £37.50
Cleaning the public conveniences (Sept) £114.50
Reimbursement for cleaning the car park (Aug) £37.50
Reimbursement for cleaning the p.c.s £114.50
Offce International (Viking toilet supplies) £54.55
Tree removal and stump treatment £100.00
Car park hedge cutting (not rear) £100.00
Clerks wages and SA(August so) £333.21
Clerks wages and SA(Sept so) £333.21
c. Cheques approved in July 2019.
Reimbursement for consultation day goods £75.17
Cleaning the car park (July) £37.50
Cleaning the public conveniences (July) £114.50
Rentokil Initial UK Ltd (hygiene) £191.52
Clerks wages and stationery allowance(July so) £333.21
7. Report from the County Councillor.
The Adventure Challenge run by “rat race” on Saturday 28th
September, including a section in Llangynidr. Powys County
Council has been informed of the event and the organiser's plan to
marshal participants over the Llangynidr Bridge.
Concerns have been raised over the “den” in the recreation
ground, particularly the amount of old scrap in the vicinity. A
resident has offered to remove the scrap (but not the old grass
roller which may be needed).
Brexit preparations by Powys County Council and Welsh
Government include a resettlement scheme for EU Nationals (who
are not yet registered), the County Councillor asks that those who
are not yet registered, register before December 2020.
Bus times are to be put on the agenda for the next meeting, RH
will look into them in the meantime.
8. Planning Application:
a. 19/17783/FUL – Ty Canol, single storey extension to rear
replacing a conservatory. No Objections.
9. Clerk's Stationery Allowance (£30/month) no longer
covers the printing expenses. To be discussed and action
agreed. £45.00 per month was agreed. SD
10.Clerk's performance (2018-19) and pay were discussed by
the human resources committee. Pay is recommended at
NALC pay scales for SCP 19 (£10.37/hour). Agreed. SD
11. The guttering on the toilets needs maintenance, the
hedge needs cutting back from the parking sign and other
sundry items coming to approximately £200. Agreed – Clerk
to advertise. SD
12. There have been reports of the Glaisfer being choked with
green waste. To be discussed and action agreed. The
Community Council has been told of green waste and other
pollutants being evident in the Glaisfer. Clerk to inform Natural
Resources Wales and ask “Contact” for help to identify who is
doing this. SD
13.A camera and sign for the car park have been requested, to
be discussed and action agreed. A camera would have been
helpful in identifying who left bottles outside of the glass recycling
banks and who broke them. It seems that a hostelry outside the
village has been using the bottle banks, whilst the recycling is good
the business should be using other means. Clerk to ask the local
PCSO for advice about cameras. RH may be able to source a sign
saying “Cars parked at owner's risk”. Clerk to source quotes for a
Parking sign. RH, SD.
14.A licence is required to have a gate on council land by the
Walnut Tree Stores. To be discussed and action agreed.
Clerk to ask a solicitor about how to proceed. SD
15.Nomination of a representative to go to the One Voice Wales
AGM and Conference at Pontrhydfendigaid (SY25 6BB) on
Saturday the 5th October for £100. Clerk to check with PL and if
he does not want to go, to check with the 5 Councils' Liaison
16.Request for permission to run training courses for the
emergency services from the riverbank on the south side of
the Usk and upstream of the bridge. The training provider
has provided a copy of their insurance document. Clerk to
ask for activity and to stress the sensitive nature of the site but
permission was granted. SD
17.The former path at Twyn Pandy may be considered for
rights of way status due to it's local use. The Community
Council has invited the Rights of Way Offcer to discuss the
matter. See public participation also. The Community Council
resolved to remain neutral in the matter.
18.Council should suggest some dates for the meeting with the
village hall committee about settling the ownership of the
recreation ground and the hall. Possible dates were identifed:
Wednesday 16th October, Wednesday 23rd October and Wednesday
30th October. These are to be offered to the Village Hall
Committee. SD
19.Update on the progress to establish the true ownership of
the disputed land on the Usk riverbank. Clerk to seek other
evidence. Resolved to discuss the issue and agree action at
October's meeting.SD
20.The tennis club are applying for a grant from the
Community Council. To be discussed and action agreed.
£150. Agreed. SD
21.Reports from meetings attended. DW attended a meeting of
the school governors. The school is doing well. A query was
raised about class sizes, and if they had stopped children from
being accepted. DW said he would investigate and report to the
community council.
MB attended a Powys County Council/ Public Service Board
event for Community Councils.
22.Any agenda items for the next meeting from Councillors.
Bus times, Usk riverbank dispute, greater communication and cooperation
with Powys County Council, update on admission to
Llangynidr Primary School.
23. Date of next meeting: 29th October 2019
There being no further business to discuss the Chairman
closed the meeting at 9.20pm
Signed by the Chairman...........................