Minutes of a Council Meeting held in the Village Hall
on Tuesday 25th June 2019 at 7.30pm.

Public participation.
PCSO Billy Dunne reviewed the community's policing issues for the council. The
biggest problem currently is quad bike theft, 38 since January. Another theft in the
early hours of Saturday morning saw the arrest of people from the Merthyr area.
PCSO Dunne emphasised the need for owners of such valuable equipment to lock
away their belongings and consider CCTV. Currently, the final destination of the
quad bikes is unknown.
Other issues, young person behaviour, fly-tipping and off-roading. The last of which
is giving some concern. The rural crime squad has asked for more co-operation
between Dyfed-Powys and Blaina-Gwent Police.
3 Police Constables will be stationed at Crickhowell in the Autumn, making the
policing available to the area more flexible but Lee and Billy will give continuity.
Present: Mrs Margaret Price (Chair), Mr David Mantle, Mr David Filsell, Mr David
Williams, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr Alan James, Mr Gene Taylor and County
Councillor Rosemarie Harris.
In attendance: S.Dale (Clerk) and PCSO Billy Dunne.

1. Absence: Mr George Moretta and Mr Paul Lindoewood.
2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: MP
declared an interest in item 11.
3. Signing of the minutes:
Of the meeting held on the 28th May 2019 were approved.
Proposed by AL and seconded by GT.
4. Correspondence to be circulated:
a. One Voice Wales – assurance that Community Councils are
statutory consultees. NALC legal topic note 59 is referred
to. Noted and circulated.
b. A resident has written to the community council to see if
there has been a response to our query about a Sardis
Chapel planning permission. None received.
5. Clerk's Report
The footpath blocked by fallen trees has been closed for 6 months by
Brecon Beacon National Park. The Warden responded to the
emergency very quickly.
Cwmdu and District Community Council have written to Powys
County Council to point out the difficulties with the bridge and to
ask when we can expect to see the new information lights. (see item
The changes have been made to the website and are better than
planned, the website is much easier to use.
A councillor has reported that a website suggests that camper
vans park overnight in Llangynidr Village Car Park and get
free water from the public conveniences.
The contractor reports that the drain behind the toilets is
collecting wet wipes and will block eventually, suggest
putting it on the agenda for July. Other maintenance for the
toilets is the guttering at the front, also for agenda in July.
Donations from the toilets amounted to £36.47 + 3 old £1 coins
which we may be able to change.
6. Finance:
a. Statement of Accounts and Bank reconciliation for May
2019 and annual return 2018-19 minor corrections.
b. Cheques to be approved in June 2019. Approved.
Cleaning the car park (Jun) £37.50
Cleaning the public conveniences (Jun) £114.50
Clerks wages and stationery allowance(Jun so) £333.21
Chairperson's Allowance 2018-2019 £150.00
British Gas (electricity for the public toilets) £61.29
Hedge trimming in the car park (2018) £186.00
Viking (Offce international, toilet supplies) £21.92
Enviroshred (document disposal) £36.00
Purple and Green Ltd (website designers) £129.60
Newland Rennie Surveyors (land valuation) £300.00
Young persons award £50.001
Dwr Cymru (services for the public toilets) £218.992
c. Cheques approved in May 2019.
Cleaning the car park(May) £37.50
Cleaning the public conveniences (May) £114.50
Clerks wages and stationery allowance(May so) £333.21
Llangynidr 1st Scout Troop appeal £100.00
Reimbursement for refreshments at Parish Meeting £21.97
Drain unblocking for the public toilets £110.00
Photocopier support for school £150.00
7. Report from the County Councillor.
The new light to assist the flow of traffic on the bridge has been
installed. The County Councillor hopes that it will be successful.
Traffic through the village has increased generally.
Work at the top chapel has taken hearses and wedding cars off the
road. The new kitchen and meeting room are tidy. There is a new
Minister for the top Chapel.
There is a problem with a Fir hedge in the top village which RH will
the manager of a local care home has been awarded a Medal of the
B r i t i s h E m p i r e .
The next years budget is now being looked at for Powys County
C o u n c i l , f u r t h e r s a v i n g s a r e b e i n g c o n s i d e r e d .
There is an Ystyn inspection starting on Monday 1st of July.
Elsewhere house building is being held up by bankruptcies, Brexit
may have had a role in this.
The MP has been recalled with a vote of 10,005 electors. He has
been re-selected by his Party. The By-election which will be run by
Powys County Council (PCC), may become tied up with the Royal
Welsh Show (the week from 22nd July). Freedom of Information
Requests are being submitted to PCC. There is a lot of pressure on
the budget, some funding for the recall will come from the UK
government but not 100% of costs.
8. Planning Applications : None
9. Consideration of an application for the casual vacancy on the
council. Approved.
10.Tree management needs to be addressed, particularly the trees
along the riverbank which have yet to be assessed. To be
discussed and action agreed. Clerk to ask former Councillor to
consider completing the work for the Council.
11.To select a quote for taking down the tree in the car park, it is
growing into the drains and causing blockages. A quote for
£100 which included treatment of the stump was accepted, it
will take place after August when the tree has stopped growing
for the season.
12.Banking for the Community Council is changing and it is time
consider digital banking. To be discussed and action agreed.
13.Report on the clerk's performance and pay from the Human
Resources Committee. Adjourned to next meeting
14.The Clerk would like to attend an OVW conference which
features a talk on the next steps for Town and Community
Councils on 10/7/2019 for £50. To be discussed and action
agreed. Approved.
15.Parking along Church Close is very difficult at the moment for
residents and a resident has complained to the Community
Council. The contractor has been informed. They report that
they will continue to monitor the situation. To be discussed and
action agreed. RH will address.
16.A resident has complained about Erw Bant steps, they are quite
over grown now. Clerk volunteered to clean the steps.
17.The recreation ground has been valued. The surveyor suggests
that the Community Council consults a solicitor. To be
discussed and action agreed. It was resolved to approach the
Architect of the village hall to invite him to attend the July
18.Clerk's report on the registration of the land owned by the
Community Council. To be discussed and action agreed.
Resolved to negotiate with another party to see if a mutually
agreeable outcome can be reached.
19.A young persons award has been applied for, to be discussed
and action agreed (adjourned from May). Resolved to make the
award subject to parental approval.
20.Crickhowell Town Council want to host a 5 councils' meeting in
the week commencing 8th July. Are there any agenda items to
put forward? None – Clerk to inform Crickhowell TC.
21.Reports from meetings attended. DF reported a meeting of the
Crickhowell Health Focus Group, which will now meets quarterly.
He called for issues with GP services to be raised with him.
22.Any agenda items for the next meeting from Councillors. The
LDP consultation needs to be addressed before the end of July, it was
agreed to hold an extraordinary meeting on the 3rd July, subject to
room availability. The sharp right hand turn near the village end of
the Beaufort Road is very slippery after rain. RH will make
Date of next full meeting: 30th July 2019. There being no
further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm
Signed by the Chairman...........................