Minutes of a Council Meeting held in the Village Hall
on Tuesday 29th October 2019 at 7.30pm.

Public participation. Ms Clare Sutton of the Community Connectors Powys
Association of Voluntary Organizations (PAVO), based in Crickhowell Health
Centre described the role of PAVO and her work with local service providers
such as District Nurses and Social Workers. PAVO is a part of the wider, community
support network and the main issues being dealt with recently include
assisting claimants with the benefits and social welfare claims process. A
leaflet explaining the work that PAVO undertakes and a recent report was distributed
to the meeting for information. Ms Sutton would welcome feedback on
perceived gaps in the current provision of social welfare services.
Mr & Mrs Jan & Phil Smith were present to discuss the situation regarding the
potential removal of the BT phone boxes in Llangynidr. Together with Ms Nancy
Webb, they had discussed alternative uses for the BT Telephone Boxes, such
as providing locations for book exchange, emergency defibrillators etc and
were concerned that a deadline of 4th November 2019 for the submission of a
response to BT was approaching. MP reassured Mr & Mrs Smith that BT had
been made aware of the interest of Llangynidr Community Council in the Telephone
Boxes and stated that the issue would be included as an agenda item for
the November meeting and invited Mr & Mrs Smith to return for that meeting.
Present: Mrs Margaret Price (Chair), Mr David Williams, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs,
Mr Alan James, Mr Mark Brian, Mr David Filsell, Mr Gene Taylor, Mr David
Mantle, Mr Paul Lindoewood and County Councillor Rosemarie Harris.
In attendance: Crickhowell area councillor for PAVO, Ms. Clare Sutton.
Mr & Mrs Jan & Phil Smith - Llangynidr residents
The clerk, Ms Sue Dale apologized for her absence for personal reasons.

1. Absent: Mr George Moretta.
2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below:
EG declared an interest in item 8 - the planning application relating to the
mast at Ty Canol
3. Signing of the minutes
The meeting held on the 24th September 2019. Proposer: DW,
Seconder: MB
4. Correspondence:
a. Land Dispute e-mail :- discussed in meeting.
b. E-mail response in respect of Garden Waste being dumped in the
Glaisfer:- Circulation
Note: DW & MB confirmed that it is garden waste and naturally occurring
5. Clerk’s Report.
A map of the proposed location for the communications mast (Agenda
Item 8) was circulated for information prior to the discussion of the
Agenda item
An open invitation has been received to a presentation by the Army about
their work/role on 21st November at 18:30. Councillors to contact SD if
they wish to attend.
All are invited to a celebration for the restoration of the Lychgate on 10th
November at 12:15
6. Finance.
a.Statement of accounts, bank reconciliation and budget for October 19.
b. Cheques to be approved in October 2019. Approved following a query
from DM about the amount for the Village Hall. Councillors confirmed
that the amount was correct.
British Gas (electric lights in the public toilets) £42.01
Cleaning the car park (Oct) £37.50
Cleaning the public conveniences (Oct) £114.50
Clerks wages and Stationery Allowance (Oct so) £333.21
Tennis Club Award £150.00
Village Hall Committee £3000.00
Burial Ground Trust £200.00
c. Cheques approved in September 2019.
Mr K Morgan(locksmith) for archive cupboard £50.00
Cleaning the car park (Sept) £37.50
Cleaning the public conveniences (Sept) £114.50
Reimbursement for cleaning the car park (Aug) £37.50
Reimbursement for cleaning the p.c.s £114.50
Offce International (Viking toilet supplies) £54.55
Tree removal and stump treatment £100.00
7. Report from the County Councillor.
The Annual Budget for Powys County Council is being discussed. RH is
hopeful that the increase in council tax will not be as steep as this year,
but this will be at the expense of serious cuts to service and staf fing is
likely to to impacted. The PCC budget is in the region of £260M but the
council also has responsibility for an additional £500M expenditure
which is ‘ring-fenced’ or takes the form of capital grants.Estyn has reported
on the Central Education Service provision, with some good
points and some varied. Action is needed on pupils with additional learning
Some of Powys schools are in de ficit with their budgets. An action plan to
address these issues has been put into place.
The new museum is expected to open in early December, with a formal
opening to take place in the new year.
RH has held discussions with Glyn Smith about establishing where the
formal ownership of the Village Hall lies. Discussions are continuing
with BBNP. It was not helpful that the initial planning permission for the
hall was apparently submitted by Llangynidr Hall Management - an organisation
that no longer exists.
RH commented on the recent extensive flooding in Wales. Crickhowell
had been affected and Montgomeryshire had been severely affected. PCC
have incurred substantial costs as a result of this flooding. A complaint
had been received from a Llangynidr resident about the lack of signage
warning of large puddles. RH commented that there were not enough
signs to go around given the extensive nature of the recent flooding. A
complaint had also been made to the local MP (Jane Dodds) about the
lack of signage of floods. However, this service is a local authority (PCC)
one and the MP has no jurisdiction.
RH commented on the situation regarding Maes-Y-Ffynnon, which had
been mentioned during the discussion with Clare Sutton. Not enough use
was being made of the facility and it was likely to be as a result of changing
social needs - not many people now wish to access day-care facilities
routinely. A grant may be made to PAVO to take over responsibility for
the facility. Concern was expressed by Community Councillors that there
may be a duplication of effort/budget between all of the different organisations
involved in social care provision.
Brecon High School opening has been delayed by about 4 weeks. The
school has about 500 pupils, but there is not a signi ficant number of
pupils in the Welsh stream, despite this provision having been protected
under the replacement project. The old school will be demolished and
there are two proposals being considered for the use of the land. The first
is to centralist all ‘blue light’ service administration on one site and the
second is to use the land for housing.
Coleg Powys have expressed a wish to move their operations closer to
the town centre and multiple locations are being considered.
The Army Regimental Museum is to move to the old library in Ship
The market hall, which is a listed building, has been sold to a private individual
whose stated intentions to continue to use it as a market place.
8. Planning Application: 19/17936/FUL – Mast at Ty Canol, Dyffryn.
EG explained for information that the previous application had been withdrawn
following objections by Natural Resources Wales (NRW). She
then declared an interest and took no further part in the discussion.
DF stated that he had visited the proposed location and felt that there
would be a considerable visual impact if the mast were to be sited according
to the existing plan
The closing date for objection is 30th October 2019.
There were no other comments/objections from councillors present.
9. To set a date for the next litter pick.
Agreed for 16th November 2019
10. A dispute has developed over a small tract of Usk riverbank. The
information gathered will be assessed and a decision made.
Clerk via a written note stated that she was still awaiting a response from
local residents. A discussion about an e-mail exchange between SD
(clerk) and the resident affected by the dispute was discussed. It was resolved
that Llangynidr Community Council would withdraw from further
proceedings provided that no costs would be incurred by the Community
Council, the footpath would remain open and the requirements of the
SSSI status would be met by the resident. Clerk was instructed to produce
a suitable response which is to be reviewed by Councillors prior to it being
sent. The action is on SD to do this and it was agreed that e-mail responses
would be suf ficient for approval.
11. Klook internet have warned of a lack of disk space again (usage is at
80%) so are recommending doubling the disk space for about £20.00
per year.
12. Report from the Place Plan meeting and decision on whether or not
the Community Council will continue to support the Place Plan
Team activities, Clerks time and hall (plus stationery) fees to be decided
It was agreed that the Community Council would continue to support the
place Plan initiative including financial support as appropriate.
13. Update on school admissions from a councillor.
DW provided background on a specific admissions issue and the detailed
procedures that need be followed in respect of admissions/transfers and
that the school had followed these procedures in this specific case. DW
emphasized that no child had ever been refused admission to Llangynidr
Primary School.
14. Current bus times to be discussed and action agreed.
There is to be a temporary road closure in Talybont which will affect the
bus service via Llangynidr. No replacement Taxi service funding to connect
to bus services from Bwlch is available. RH said that she would pursue
15. Greater communication and co-operation with Powys County Council,
to be discussed and action agreed.
SD to be asked if she wishes to attend the twice yearly sessions being organized.
DM stated that Llangynidr C.C. were privileged to have County
Councillor Harris present at most meetings and therefore considered that
Llangynidr did not have an issue with Communication & Cooperation
with Powys C.C.
16. Signs for the car park (“Cars parked at owner's risk” and “P” for
parking sign on the recycling sign).
RH stated that this was in hand and that she would follow it up.
17. Reports from meetings attended.
EG had attended a recent Burial Ground Trust meeting at which a query
had been raised about financial support for the trust. It was noted that the
agreed sum had been approved at this current meeting.
18. Any agenda items for the next meeting from Councillors.
a.Further discussion on the use of redundant BT kiosks
b.MB wishes to raise the issue of how and for what purpose, the Community
Council could obtain funding from the Green Man festival organisers
following a meeting earlier this year.
c. RH agreed to investigate possible grant funding sources available to
Llangynidr C.C.
d.Cyffredin Lane drainage and other drainage issues (RH to report)
e.Action needed on the surface of the bend on Beaufort Road (RH to report)
f. Traf fic calming initiatives. Decision required on whether the Community
Council should purchase a Traf fic Speed Gun
Date of next meeting: 26th November 2019.
There being no further business to discuss the Chairman closed the
meeting at 9.40pm
Signed by the Chairman………………………