Minutes of a Precept Meeting held in the Village Hall on 15th January 2019
at 7.30pm.

Present: Mrs Margaret Price (Chairman), Mr Alan James, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mrs Rosemarie Harris, Mr David Filsell, Mr David Mantle, Mr David Williams, Mr David Evans, Mr Paul Lindoewood and Mr Gene Taylor.
In attendance: S Dale (Clerk)

1. Apologies: Mr George Moretta.
2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: Interests were declared by MP
and DE as members of the Village Hall Committee. EG and DM declared an interest in the
Burial Ground for which there is a dispensation.
3. Consideration of appeals received for financial support in 2018/19: After consideration
of the appeals received during the year and considering the financial information provided, it
was resolved that the following donations be made, the Council being satisfied that the
requirements of Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 are met:1
Donations Amount Legal Reference
Brecon Advice Centre £50.00 LGA 72 S142
Friends of Llangynidr Primary £100.00 LGA 72 S137
Wales Air Ambulance £50.00 LGA 72 S137
Brecon Mountain Rescue £100.00 LGA 72 S137
Llangynidr Agricultural Show Society £100.00 LGA 72 S137
Crickhowell Volunteer Bureau £100.00 LGA 72 S137
Llangynidr Jubilee Committee £100.00 LGA 72 S137
Other contributions
Contribution towards School photocopier £150.00 LGA 72 S137
Young Persons Awards £150.00 LGA 72 S137
4. The accounts of the following parochial charities were received:
Llangynidr Burial Ground Trust £200 LGA 72
Llangynidr Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity £3000 LGA 76
5. Approved: Budget for 2019/20 as attached: Staff costs are as per the SLCC National
Agreement, scale SCP19. The Burial Ground Trust is to receive £200. An additional sum was
requested by the Village Hall Committee because an operating loss has been made on the year.
The Community Council decided that they would like to open a discussion with the Village
Hall Committee about funding during the year and will ask for a meeting to that end. The
Community Council agreed to support the Village Hall Trust with a contribution of £2500
towards the playing fields maintenance and the additional discretionary £500. It was decided
to link the additional sum for the village hall committee to the recycling revenue received so
that the £500 would not increase the precept. This means that the potential sum for future
requests may go down. All grants are discretionary. The Community Council agreed to support
the Village Hall Trust with a contribution of £2500 towards the playing fields maintenance and
the additional requested £500. The budget for the public conveniences was set at £4200.00,
recognising the necessity of keeping the toilets open for public health reasons. The final sum
of £14000 is somewhat less than last year.
6. Setting of Precept figure for 2019/20: Resolved that the Precept required for 2019/20 be
set at £14,000.