Minutes of an extraordinary Council Meeting held via electronic media on Wednesday 14th July 2020 at 7.30pm.
Present: Mrs Margaret Price, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr Alan James, Mr George Moretta,Mr David Filsell and County Councillor Rosemarie Harris.
In attendance: S.Dale (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence: Mr David Mantle, Mr Paul Lindoewood (technical difficulties with Zoom), Mr Gene Taylor, Mr David Williams and Mr Mark Brian.
2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: None
3. Planning Application 20/18688/FUL – Pwll Court Farm, Llangynidr. No objections (3 for and 2 against).SD
4. The thank you letter for the local craftsman who fixed the gates in the car park. The thank you letter was approved. MP will look into the incident where a gate was broken. MP, SD
5. The Chairman had an informal meeting with The Village Hall Committee Chairman possible adaptations to accommodate the School were discussed. The School were apprised. To be discussed and action agreed. The school seems likely to be discussing accommodation soon. It was noted that there is no wi-fi at the Hall.
Date of next meeting Tuesday 28th July 2019.