Minutes of a Council Meeting held via electronic media on Tuesday 16th June 2020 at 7.30pm.

Public participation.
Present: Mrs Margaret Price (Retiring Chair), Cllr Rosemarie Harris, Mr David
Filsell, Mr Alan James, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr Mark Brian (Incoming Chair) Mr
George Moretta (left meeting at item 4) and Mr Paul Lindoewood.
In attendance: S.Dale (Clerk).

1. To elect a Chair of the Community Council: MB proposed by MP and
seconded by EG. Approved.
2. To receive the declaration of acceptance of office. To be completed at a later
date due to social distancing regulations.
3. To elect a vice chair of the Community Council.
MP was proposed by MB and seconded by AJ until DW is able to take up his
4. To appoint representatives:
Llangynidr Village Hall Trustee MP
Primary School Governor DW
Burial Ground Trustees EG DM and MB
Focus on Health DF
One Voice Wales PL and EG. SD to check that the OVW has the right
To appoint Committees:
Finance - AJ (Chair), DF, GT and MB
Planning – DF, GT, EG and MB
Rights of Way – DM (Chair), DW, MP and MB
Human Resources – PL(Chair), MP, AJ and MB
5. Apologies for absence: Mr David Williams.
6. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: MB declared an
interest in item 13 and having made a comment, withdrew from the discussion.
MP declared an interest in item 24, having made a comment she withdrew from
the discussion.
7. Signing of the minutes;
of the meeting held on the 25st February 2020 were approved. Proposed
by MB and seconded by EG.
8. Correspondence: Noted
Brecon Advice Centre sent thanks for the donation 1/3/20.
Morgans Solicitors 3/3/20 letter see item 18.
Wales Air Ambulance Charity, thank you for the donation.
Pretty Pins Leg Club, thank you for the donation.
Brecon and District DisABLED Club, thank you 2/3/20.
Clerk and Councils Direct March 20.
9. Clerk's Report. None
a) The Internal Auditors Report and the Annual Governance statements were
approved, the signing of the Annual Return was also approved.
b) Cheques to be approved in February, March, April May and June 2020.
Cleaning the car park (Feb) £37.50
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Feb so) £356.19
Cleaning the public conveniences (Feb) £114.50
One Voice Wales membership £161.00
Wales Audit Office £299.75
Defibrillator case for the Primary School £402.00
Speed monitor for speed watch team £276.48
Gates for the car park Pontrilas via S Dale £149.22
THE SAFETY SUPPLY CO (11 Jackets via S Dale) £23.64
Litter picking hoops (Water Irrigation via S Dale) £44.83
Llangynidr Agricultural Society Show £100.00
Jubilee Committee £100.00
Brecon Advice Centre £50.00
Brecon Mountain Rescue £100.00
Brecon Dial-a-ride (disabled club) £100.00
Wales Air Ambulance £50.00
Brecon and Radnor Sports Awards £50.00
Powys Dyslexia Support Group £50.00
Pretty pins leg club £50.00
Friends of Llangynidr School £100.00
Clook (internet service) via S.Dale £144.00
MB property maintenance via S Dale £50.001
1 Contract was for £625 not £575 as per cheque.
Cleaning the public conveniences (Apr) £114.50
British Gas (elect. for toilets) £46.00
British Gas (elect. for toilets) June £41.94
Car park cleaning (June) £37.50
Cleaning the public conveniences (June) £114.50
Water for the toilets (June) £163.70
Usk Valley Tree Services £500.00
Photocopier support for school £150.00
SLCC membership via S Dale £70.00 item 17
Llangynidr Coronavirus Volunteers £500.00 item 31
11.County Councillors's Report
The County Councillor thanked the retiring Chair, MP, remarking that
they had worked well together over the years.
At the moment Covid 19 means that all schools returning a third of
children at any one time. And in September, transport costs will be
signifcant if social distancing requirements remain. There is a rota
system for staff. Flexibility and discretion will be required of School
Care homes now have a testing regime, there have been “hot spots” of
infection in Welshpool and Ystradgynlais.
Turning to fnance, there are £48 million available as grants between
£10000-£25,000 depending on rateable value. There is a bursary for
qualifying small businesses to be dispensed by the County Council.
Income has also been hit with no income from registrations, Car Parks
and Leisure Centres, Council tax is also less.
People who are shielding have had regular welfare calls.
Continuing co-operation between UK Government, Welsh
Government, Powys MPs, all AMs and Powys County Council.
Powys is reliant on tourism – cafes and restaurants, B & Bs, hotels and
shops etc, the County has lost the big events of the year – Royal Welsh
Show, Hay Festival and the Green Man
The frst minister's announcement on Friday widely predicted to allow
non-essential shops to open.
The worst pot holes have been tackled the remaining, smaller ones, will
be done.
The frst stock grid on Beaufort Road (going out of the village) has
been cleaned out, hopefully solving the problem of stock getting over
the grid.
The bus service – defnitely will run!
If there small businesses who could apply for the Welsh Government
Bursary they should make themselves known to the Councillors.
Llangynidr School there is a rota system for staff currently and the
school staffng will be affected just like other schools when they all re-
Some 7 unions are involved nationally, they are negotiating with
Kirsty Williams, Minister for Education.
12.Planning Applications: None
13. Concerns about the Nant Glaisfer river bed in the village. MP (Vice-
Chair) chaired the item as MB had declared an interest and withdrew. There are
two issues, the frst involves gabions placed in the waterway and the second is the
large quantity of stone swept down the river in the 2 storms earlier in the year.
Powys County Council looks after all the small waterways in Powys, including
the Nant Glaisfer. RH offered to meet with the expert from Powys County
Council and MP when it is possible.
14. Two households abutting the Council's riverbank have asked for
permission to cut down dead trees which threatened the boundaries
and property. The situation was said to be urgent and on that basis
permission was given for the felling. Another tree on Council land was
identifed as dead and posing a risk to passers-by. This tree was felled
by a contractor working for the Council and left as habitat for wildlife.
The cost of this felling was £500. There was some concern that residents may
be seeking to improve their view rather than protect their boundaries but the
actions of the Clerk and the Chairman were approved. The Council has a duty of
care which regular inspections by a qualifed person should meet. Clerk to
investigate and report back in July.SD.
15.The kiosks in the village have been retained for telephone use.
However, some residents would like to adopt them as defbrillator
housing and/or a mini library. The interested residents have been
consulted. All the responses were supportive. Does the Community
Council wish continue with the process and buy the kiosk next to the
School (01874 730 378) for £1? Approved, with the Forge Road kiosk being
considered later but the volunteer caretaker should be consulted. Enquiries
should be made with Walnut Tree Stores about the possibility of them hosting a
16.Website Compliance Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) require
that Community Council websites are accessible to people with
disabilities by September 2020. In addition to this the security of the
website is not as it should be due to software issues. Options to be
considered are to have our website made compliant and secure or to
commission a new website with the accessibility and security built-in.
See written brief. PL confrmed that there were many issues around
accessibility, however he may not be in a position to assist the work. Owen Miles
was thanked for supplying the brief. The Clerk is to obtain costs and running
costs etc from contractors for a new website.
17.The clerk has paid for membership of the Society of Local Council
Clerks as it is useful. She now asks for a £70 contribution (half of full
membership of £140) and will ask another CC for the same. Approved.
18.The Community Council has had a land dispute with a neighbour. The
neighbour has made certain assurances, it is for the Council to close the
matter if it chooses. Council intends to take no further action in this matter
and notes the landowners commitment to SSSi and the footpath. Clerk to write
to the neighbour to inform them of the outcome but circulate to the Councillors
19. The maintenance contract for the public toilets has been advertised,
one tender to be selected. One tender was selected, the existing contractor.
20.The new fower bed tender has been advertised, one tender to be
selected. A tender was forthcoming but it did not clearly state the sum
required. Clerk to seek to agree terms. SD
21.The maintenance contract for the car park has been advertised, one
tender to be selected. One tender was selected, the existing contractor.
22.To review and approve the asset register, the risk analysis and the
reserves document. Adjourn to next meeting.
23.Two speeding issues have been raised by a local businessman; the
number accidents along the Beaufort Road which may only be helped
by an average speed check zone, and the second concerning the speed
of traffc along Cwm Crawnon Road the solution to which may be a
speed camera. To be discussed and action agreed. Powys County Council
looked at the road and found no causes of the accidents. There is a concern over
drivers' speed which could be addressed with a camera, a limit or a sign. RH will
ask Highways. Clerk to speak to the resident who raised the item and explain
that there are usually regular speed checks along Cwm Crawnon Road but not
during lockdown. SD
24.At present there are almost 40 Llangynidr residents who will be submitting
forms to the BBNP about the disputed path at Pen Twyn. Council are asked
to consider supporting this action to retain the path for present and future
generations. MP registered an interest and withdrew from the discussion after
commenting that the issue divides landowners from residents. Support for the
item as a facility for the village was indicated however the preferred course was
to adjourn the item to allow time for GT and DM to talk to the landowners. No
time will be lost as there is no rights of way work due to the lockdown. Previous
landowners may also be traced. SD
25. The School wants to apply for lottery funding – covered outdoor
accommodation is needed because of new social distancing requirements.
The planned outdoor accommodation may appeal to the community council,
and likely other local organisations, as an alternative venue to hold meetings.
The Community Council have been asked to provide the School with a letter
of support. Are there any plans for the new accommodation? Councillors wanted
to know if the School had considered the Hall and other facilities, such as
marquees and meeting rooms. Before Council can lend it's support it needs to be
clear that all other possibilities have been explored by the School.
26.The County Councillor requested that the Community Council consider
projects that could be grant funded from Powys County Council. Small
capital grants may be available later this year. MB, MP, RH and the Secretary
to the Village Hall Committee will meet to discuss options for the playground
27.Meeting dates 2020-21 for approval. Are fixed to the last Tuesday in every
month, except August and December when there is no meeting.
28.A Councillor has not attended meetings for some months but has completed
council duties around the 7th April 2020. It is possible that further absences
will occur for health reasons, will council accept them as reason to miss
meetings? Approved
29. The registration of the recreation ground and hall are outstanding. A local
solicitor has estimated that the cost of registration and creating a lease for
the property would be £1000-2000. Clerk to ask the Village Hall Committee to
help with costs. The Clerk is to engage the Solicitor to register the Hall and
Recreation Ground and lease the assets to the Village Hall Committee.SD
30. Students have asked to use the Usk riverbank for filming. They have sent a
copy of their insurance policy. Council require further details, such as the
institution the students belong to and the purpose of the filming. Clerk to
31.Reports from meetings attended: None
32. Any agenda items for the next meeting from Councillors: None
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 28th July 2020
Signed by the Chair