Minutes of a Council Meeting held in the Village Hall
on Tuesday 21st January 2020 at 7.30pm.

Public participation. None
Present: Mrs Margaret Price (Chair), Cllr Rosemarie Harris, Mr David Filsell, Mr
Mark Brian, Mr David Mantle , Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr Alan James, Mr George
Moretta, Mr Gene Taylor and Mr Paul Lindoewood.
In attendance: S.Dale (Clerk).

1. Apologies for absence: Mr David Williams.
2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: AJ will
need to declare an interest for February as the next planning
application as it is next door to his relative.
MB declared an interest in “Pretty pins” charity and took no part in
the decision.
3. Signing of the minutes;
of the meeting held on the 26th November 2019 were
approved. Proposed by AJ and seconded by MB.
of the meeting held on the 29th October 2019 were approved.
Proposed by EG and seconded by DM.
4. Correspondence:
a. Clerk and Councils Direct - Circulation
b. Bus timetable signs from Powys County Council -
c. Recycling remittance from Powys County Council -
d. Free Planning Inspectorate training in Builth Wells
31/1/2020. - Circulation
5. Clerk's Report .
A meeting between the Village Hall Committee Chairman and
Chairman of the Community Council has been provisionally
agreed for February 17th 2020.
Toilet donations of £45.74 have been banked (8 weeks since
the last payment).
There has been an invitation from the offce of the police and
crime commissioner to attend the closing ceremony of the
“Knife Angel's” visit to Wales. To be held from 2pm to about
6pm on. Responses please by noon Thursday 23rd January.
A Community Awareness weekend 24-26th April at Clarence
Hall, Crickhowell.
A warning from One Voice Wales about our level of reserves –
reserves may be used to save for specifc projects, but
Community Councils should not keep large general reserves.
(Email Shan Bowden 20/1/2020).
20/18206/FUL Fellsgarth, 10 Twyn Pandy. Asked for a time
extension. To 26/2/2020.
Ty Canol mast no decision until 31/1/2020.
6. Finance:
a. Statement of Accounts and Bank reconciliation for January
2020. Approved.
b. Cheques to be approved in January 2020.
Cleaning the car park (Jan) £37.50
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Jan so) £356.19
Cleaning the public conveniences (Jan) £114.50
Electricity for the toilets £52.421
Water for the public toilets £255.211
Society of Local Council Clerks(membership) £140.002
c. Cheques to be approved in November 2018.
Cleaning the Car Park (Nov & Dec) £75.00
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Nov so) £333.21
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Dec so) £333.21
Cleaning the public conveniences (Nov & Dec) £229.00
Burial Ground Trust Donation £200.00
Zurich Municipal (Insurance) £394.45
d. To set and approve the budget for 2020-21. The budget was
approved (see accompanying fnancial sheet). The Community
Council plan to set a defcit budget for the next 2 years, reducing
the general reserves.
e. To set and approve the precept fgure for 2020-21. The
precept was set at £14000, based on the budget.
f. Consideration of appeals received for fnancial support for
the year ending March 2020. The following charities have
been selected to receive donations from the Community Council
this year:
Llangynidr Agricultural Show Society £100
Brecon Advice Centre £50
Brecon Mountain Rescue Team £100
Wales Air Ambulance £50
Brecon-dial-a-ride £100
Brecknock and Radnorshire Sport Award
evening £50
Powys Dyslexia Support Group £50
Pretty Pins Charity £501
Friends of Llangynidr School £100
g. To receive the accounts of the parochial charities.
Appeals were received from the Jubilee Committee, the
Village Hall Committee and the Burial Ground Trustees.
All three appeals were approved with the Village Hall Committee
being involved in discussions with the Community Council as to
the the future of the Village hall and recreation ground
committee. The details are as follows:
Village Hall Committee £3000
Jubilee Committee £100
Burial Ground Trustees £100
7. Report from the County Councillor.
The County Councillors advised the Community Council to always
leave the door open as far as the claiming of allowances is
The new High School in Brecon cost £23 million to build and could
house up to 750 children. The remaining site will be redeveloped
for housing and/or other services.
There has been an inspection of school services which was not that
ESTYN is pleased with progress.
The County Council is embarking on a strategic review of education
to include Welsh language provision, additional learning needs and
post 16 education.
Small schools for example of only 14 pupils may be reconsidered.
Some schools, with for example, 40% pupils from out of area could
be faced with difficulties if they need to expand. This money would
have to come from the local authority.
The budget is less intense this year with Powys achieving the 14th
largest settlement out of 22 (better than last year 's 22/22) – there
will be a bit more money for education and highways.
There will be no charge for blue badges.
There is a new Secretary for State for Wales.
The “Marches Growth Deal” has focused on highways but is now
looking at technology enabled care in a project worth £2million. The
idea is to reduce physical visits to homes and therefore reduce costs.
There is always a lot of interest in Brecon Library, it will be an
Y Gaer will have an informal evening event and a formal opening in
1 MB declared an interest, taking no part in the decision.
The “Knife Angel”, a 27 ft sculpture of knives given up to the police
forces of the UK, being taken on tour and Newtown is hosting
Any area of Powys County Council's work that Community
Councillors would like to hear about, please ask.
Finally, Engineers have been out to the bridge and adjusted the
equipment there.
8. Planning Applications: None
9. The kiosks in the village have been retained for telephone
use. However, some residents would like to adopt one of
them as defbrillator housing and a mini library. To be
discussed and action agreed. Details of the required
consultation were considered. That is notices on the kiosk and
prominent place in the village asking residents to write to the
Community Council with their views (6 week timescale). The
Community Council wishes to consult with the residents concerned
and so adjourned the item till February.
10.The road surface in Cyffredyn Lane is deteriorating with
potholes, fooding, mud and drainage problems. To be
discussed and action agreed. RH will liaise with Highways.
11.Membership of the Society of Local Council Clerks, to be
decided. Approved
12.A resident has asked that a vehicle speed monitor be
purchased to further the work of the speedwatch team.
Council agreed to monitor the speed of traffc on Forge
Road. Clerk to ask Powys County Council why they do not
help to reduce speed there and on Cwm Crawnon Road.
Clerk to purchase.
13.Consideration of the purchase of an outdoor defbrillator
housing for the primary school. The cost is likely to be
about £380. The cheapest quotes was chosen, £335+VAT was
14.Clerk to report on costs of hi-viz vests for litter picking. The
expenditure, being under £100 was approved.
15.The constitution of the Place Plan Working Group to be
considered for acceptance by the Community Council. A
draft was circulated and the item adjourned till February.
16.Two wooden pedestrian gates in the car park need replacing.
After some discussion it was resolved to purchase and ft 2 new
gates, from a heath and safety point of view. The resolution was not
unanimous, DF was against the purchase as unnecessary. Clerk
was instructed to get another quote from Hay and Brecon Farmers
and to buy the cheapest.
17.There is a pot hole below Pwll Court, to be discussed and
action agreed. RH to liaise with Highways
18.There is a blocked pipe leading to the collection of surface
water on the corner of Dyffryn Road and Cwm Crawnon
Road. To be discussed and action agreed. RH will liaise with
19. Review of the green waste service from Powys County
Council. Greatly missed, but there are no plans to bring the big
bins back. Large items can be taken to the Household Waste
Recycling Centre at Brecon.
20.To consider a request from the NHS to allow further
training on the Community Council's Usk Riverbank on the
28th and 30th January 2020. Approved
21.Reports from meetings attended: DF attended a Community
Health Focus Group meeting in December, but no-one was there.
MP monitored the traffc on Forge Road, may be the best solution is
to put signs up showing the road narrowing and people walking on
the road.
22. Any agenda items for the next meeting from Councillors:
There is more traffc on the mountain road and more accidents. The
road at Ty Sheriff and Llyn Celyn seem particularly hazardous. /
Dispute land/ The farmers market has no-one to run it, it may have
implications for the Show.
Date of next meeting: 25th February 2020
Signed by the Chair