Minutes of a Council Meeting held in the Village Hall
on Tuesday 25th February 2020 at 7.30pm.
Public participation. The two PCSOs described recent crime in the area. 32 arrests
have been made in the last 6 months. One Councillor's quad bike was returned before
it was missed! Speed watch will be running on a variety of dates on Cwm Crawnon
Road and Forge Road. Www.dpcm.co.uk to send a message to the police. Scams,
especially in the Bronllys area, where there are up to 6 scam calls a day. Vulnerable
people can be visited for reassurance. Also rogue traders, please call the police, 101
or 99 if imminent and any other priorities (not dog waste and not parking).
Present: Mrs Margaret Price (Chair), Cllr Rosemarie Harris, Mr David Filsell, Mr
David Mantle, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr Gene Taylor and Mr Paul Lindoewood.
In attendance: S.Dale (Clerk). 2 Police officers and 5 members of the public.
1. Apologies for absence: Mr David Williams, Mr George Moretta, Mr Alan James
and Mr Mark Brian.
2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: MP Pant Llywd
(Item 8 related to applicant) & Persondy Field (related to currrent licensee Item
18), GT Ty Ffrwyd (related to applicant Item 8), DM Pant Llywd (neighbour of
the applicant Item 8), EG Ty Canol (Beacons Park Society representative against
the application Item 8).
3. Signing of the minutes;
of the meeting held on the 21st January 2020 were approved. Proposed by
GT and seconded by EG
4. Correspondence:
a) 6th March Police Headquarters conference about Rural policing, reply before
the 2nd March. Circulation & DM may be able to attend.
5. Clerk's Report.
Clerk has been asked to go to a meeting between clerks and Powys
County Council on 11th March at 5.30pm in Llandrindod Wells.
The contractor has confrmed that the lights in the public toilets are on
for 12 hours a day on a timer. The time is adjusted as daylight changes
over the year. The bulbs are LED where possible otherwise low energy.
The new pedestrian gates for the car park are bought.
Cleaning contracts will go up for tender next month.
Independent Remuneration Panel letters, if you would like to claim or
to think about it, please just give the letter back to me unsigned.
There is a meeting called “beyond recycling” in Chepstow on the 9th
Green growth projects are attracting funding from “Keep Wales Tidy”.
Powys County Council has paid the Community Council £59.35 for
recycling October-December 2019.
There is a new lottery fund for Community Councils.
6. Finances
a) Statement of accounts and bank reconciliation for February 20, including
virements to the budget. A virement was approved. Moving £200 of budget
from “other projects” to “donations”.(SD)
b) Cheques to be approved in February 2020.
Cleaning the car park (Feb) £37.50
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Feb so) £356.19
Cleaning the public conveniences (Feb) £114.50
One Voice Wales membership £161.00
Wales Audit Office £299.75
Defibrillator case for the Primary School £402.00
Speed monitor for speed watch team £276.48
Gates for the car park Pontrilas via S Dale £149.22
THE SAFETY SUPPLY CO (11 Jackets via S Dale) £23.64
Litter picking hoops (Water Irrigation via S Dale) £44.83
Llangynidr Agricultural Society Show £100.00
Jubilee Committee £100.00
Brecon Advice Centre £50.00
Brecon Mountain Rescue £100.00
Brecon Dial-a-ride (disabled club) £100.00
Wales Air Ambulance £50.00
Brecon and Radnor Sports Awards £50.00
Powys Dyslexia Support Group £50.00
Pretty pins leg club £50.00
Friends of Llangynidr School £100.00
Clook (internet service) via S.Dale £144.00
MB property maintenance via S Dale £50.001
c) Cheques paid in January 2020
Cleaning the Car Park (Jan) £37.50
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Jan so) £356.19
Cleaning the public conveniences (Jan) £114.50
Electricity for the toilets £42.97
Water for the toilets £255.21
Society of Local Council Clerks (membership) £140.002
1 Contract was for £625 not £575 as per cheque.
2 CANCELLED, bill due in May not January.
7. County Councillors's Report
Storm Dennis has closed 10*A roads by landslides, in Brecon Celyn Close was
flooded, railway bridges are . Farmers have been great at clearing landslides.
The County Councillor has a meeting with Mark Drayford, who is promising
£10 million to help with the damages. The County Councillor has also written
to The Secretary of State for Wales to put the case for Powys and push for UK
Government to help.
There is a flood damage fund on the County Council's website.
Residents at Ty Sherrif have had numerous large vehicles stuck in their
lane after following Sat Nav directions.
8. Planning Applications:
a) 20/18206/FUL Fellsgarth, 10 Twyn Pandy. Front extension. Llangynidr
Community Council have concerns which support the neighbours' objection.
The path between the two properties is less than 1m wide. As you can see in
the photographs of the site location, there is a large mobile home parked in
the drive of the applicant's house close to the front of the existing garage,
whereas the vehicles in the diagram are shown as medium sized cars. This
large vehicle, as currently parked does not obstruct the windows but it
already obscures light. Should planning permission be granted, the parking
of the mobile home would move back by the width of the extension obscuring
the window of the neighbouring property. Council is of the view that the
extension is likely to negatively affect the neighbours.
It seems unlikely that there is a regulation against parking a mobile home,
or a vehicle of that size in that position, but there is a condition on this
property that stipulates that no nuisance should be caused. If planning
permission is granted could there be a planning condition to that effect, or
to give clarity to the nuisance condition? The Planning Officer explained
that these are civil matters, not material considerations to the planning
process, and therefore would bear no weight in the decision. (SD)
b) 20/18337/FUL Ty Ffrwd – sun room extension. No objections. GT
declared an interest and took no further part in the discussion.(SD)
c) 19/17936/FUL Ty Canol – mast. Llangynidr Community Council
considers that not enough weight has been given to the visual impact of the
proposed mast in the landscape. And there was not enough information
about the technical aspects of the proposal so consultees are not able to
judge if this is indeed the right option for Ty Canol. BBNPA should put
planning conditions on the development to stop further additions being
made to the mast after installation. EG declared an interest and took no
further part in the discussion.(SD)
d) 20/18344/FUL Pant Llwyd – 2 barn conversions Llangynidr
Community Council have no objections to the barn conversions, but the
access, a very narrow road, is unsuitable, even with the proposed passing
places. The planned passing places will be inadequate and the development
would lead to extra traffc, negatively affecting neighbouring properties, for
example this very narrow road passes directly through the farmyard of one
such property. MP and DM declared interests and took no part in the
9. The kiosks in the village have been retained for telephone use. However,
some residents would like to adopt one of them as defibrillator housing and
a mini library. To be discussed and action agreed. Adjourned from last
month. Residents would like to adopt both kiosks (one by the canal at Forge
Road and one by the School on Dyffryn Road) for repurposing and have
contributed a consultation document for display around the village. Interested
residents are to respond to the document before the 17th April. (SD)
10.Website Compliance Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) require
that Community Council websites are accessible to people with
disabilities by September 2020. SLCC has developed a partnership
with web designers Aubergine to allow Community Councils to be
compliant for £700 + vat+upkeep (£600). Another estimated sum for the
work from another web designer is £1500+vat. Adjourn to next month for
further investigations with the 5 Councils'. PL may be able to provide some
feedback around mid-March. (PL)
11.A cheque for the Society of Local Council Clerks has been sent back
and is now cancelled. The membership is due in May 2020. Noted
12.Residents have commented on the narrowing of Pen-yr-Ale at a point and
debris on the road. To be discussed and action agreed. Clerk to write to
Environmental Health and Highways at Powys County Council about the
concerns (SD).
13. There is more traffc on the mountain road and more accidents. The
road at Ty Sheriff and Llyn Celyn seems particularly hazardous. To be
discussed and action agreed. Clerk to send a message of appreciation to
Powys County Council Highways for their fortitude in the face of the recent
storms and fooding. There are over 5 and a half thousand kms of road in Powys.
RH to take forward.
There is a meeting in Brynmawr concerning the Beaufort Road and the road to
14.The Community Council have a land dispute with a neighbour. Council
have asked that the neighbour make certain assurances before the
dispute can be closed, these have not been forthcoming. To be
discussed and action agreed. Clerk to obtain clarifcation, item is to be
adjourned to the next meeting (March 31st 2020).
15.Llangynidr Agricultural Show Society are looking for someone to run
the Farmers' Market. Can the Community Council help? No, the market
had been losing produce stallholders and popularity.
16.The Community Council is to consider photocopier support for
community use at the school. To be discussed and action agreed.
17.Review of all contracts of expenditure (Toilet upkeep, Car Park
cleaning & grass cutting) to see if the contracts are covering the needs of
the council. Council requires the costing of the public toilets next month. In
the meantime the public toilets contract the car park cleaning contract and the
new fower bed contract can be advertised.(SD)
18.Persondy feld grazing rights have been advertised, one tender to be
selected. Only one tender was made, it was for £100 and was selected. MP
declared an interest and took no part in the discussion.(SD)
19.Grass cutting tender has been advertised, one tender to be selected.
There was only one tender for the contract, it was for £625 and was selected.(SD)
20.The Wales Audit Offce is running a consultation about the way it
proposes to run Community Council audits. The Community Council
can respond as a council or individually. AJ may wish to respond.
21.One Voice Wales membership, £161. Approved, although there was
perceived lack of value raised by a councillor.(SD)
22.Keep Wales Tidy are running a spring clean event 20/3 to 13/4, to take
part, Council should approve a day for litter picking. Saturday 28th
March 2020 was chosen.(SD to advertise)
23.Outcome from the meeting with the Village Hall Committee on
17/2/2020. The Village Hall Committee agreed that the Community
Council should register the recreation ground with the land registry. To
be discussed and action agreed. Clerk to consult with local solicitors Gabb
and Co to check the Community Council is taking the right course. If approved,
the Community Council will register the recreation ground and hall. Clerk to
consult with a resident who has access to some early paperwork about the Hall.
24.The recent fooding appears to have damaged the bridge at Crickhowell
and the road to Talybont at Ashford Tunnel. Buses will be disrupted,
possibly for some time. To be discussed and action agreed. The buses
are managing to deliver the service but repairs to the Talybont Road will have to
be made and the road seem likely to be temporarily closed at that time.(SD)
25.At present there are almost 40 Llangynidr residents who will be submitting
forms to the BBNP about the disputed path at Pen Twyn. Council are asked
to consider supporting this action to retain the path for present and future
generations. After some discussion a way forward was found; the Community
Council is to ask the Rights of Way (RoW) Officer for the Brecon Beacons
National Park Authority (BBNPA) if there are costs associated with the path
being put on the definitive map. Invite the BBNPA RoW officer to the March
meeting. Adjourn the item till March 2020. (SD)
26.Reports from meetings attended: None
27. Any agenda items for the next meeting from Councillors:
Projects to be funded from Powys County Council/ Pen Twyn path/land
Date of next meeting: 31st March 2020
Signed by the Chair