Minutes of an extraordinary Council Meeting held via electronic media on Thursday 27th August 2020 at 7.30pm.

Present: Mrs Margaret Price, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr David Mantle, Mr Mark Brian (Chairman). In attendance: S.Dale (Clerk).

1.Apologies for absence: Mr Paul Lindoewood (technical difficulties with Zoom), Mr Gene Taylor, Mr David Williams, Mr George Moretta and Mr David Filsell.

2.Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: None

3.Planning Application 20/18914/FUL – 15 Groesffordd, Llangynidr. No objections.SD

4.The new after school club is requesting financial support of up to £300 to become established and start running from the beginning of term. Agreed, there will be a budget virement required. Also EG will ask the Usk Valley Trust if they will consider a contribution. EG, SD.

5.A letter, about a path at Pen Twyn, from 2 residents has been received by the Community Council. Other information has been received. The Community Council could; support the residents efforts to make the path part of the definitive map or to continue to try to negotiate with the landowner to make the path accessible or some other option . To be discussed and action agreed. DM has been to see the landowners again with the following outcome; a site meeting will be arranged for the landowners, residents representatives, Brecon Beacons Nation Park Authority (Rights of Way Officer and a Warden) to be hosted by the Community Council to discuss the issues involved, the agenda will be circulated with an invitation to attend. The people who own the land there have agreed to allow upgrading the “old” path by the stone style. DM has intentionally not favoured the landowners and has tried to be unbiased in answer to the letter from 2 residents. DM also made reference to a letter from the previous owners of Pentwyn Farm. This letter details the creation and early use of the permissive path by the previous landowners. DM was thanked for his efforts. SD to arrange the meeting.

6.The cheques were approved.

Cleaning the car park (Aug) £40.00

Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Aug so) £356.19

Cleaning the public conveniences (Aug) £120.00

Flower Bed contract during summer months (Aug) £60.00Payment for sewers blockage fix £60.001

Speed monitor for speedwatch team £242.342British Gas (electricity for public toilets) £27.34

Purple and Green Co Ltd £594.00

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 29th September 2020.