Minutes of a Council Meeting held via electronic media on Tuesday 28th July 2020 at 7.30pm.
Public participation.
Present: Mr Mark Brian (Chairperson from item 7), Mrs Margaret Price (Chairperson to item 7), Cllr Rosemarie Harris, Mr David Filsell, Mr David Mantle, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr Alan James and Mr Paul Lindoewood (Councillors had problems joining the “zoom” meeting). In attendance: S.Dale (Clerk). 2 x members of the public; a resident and a helper for a councillor.
1.Apologies for absence: Mr David Williams, Mr George Moretta, Mr David Mantle and Mr Gene Taylor.
2.Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: None
3.Signing of the minutes; of the meeting held on the 16st June 2020 were approved.
4.Correspondence: None
5.Clerk's Report.
The letter concluding the business with Morgans Solicitors has been circulated for comment.
The Dyffryn Crawnon phone kiosk at NP8 1NU is threatened with removal. Early indications are that residents would like the Community Council to buy the kiosk (for £1.00) keeping it where it is. There is a consultation running at the moment. (See item 19)
The Accessibility Statement has been circulated and published on the website.
The proprietors of the Walnut Tree Stores and Cafe are likely to want a defibrillator on their premises.
a)Statement of accounts and bank reconciliation for June 20. Approved, noting that the cheque for £60.00 (toilet blockage treatment) has not yet been approved. Also, the amount for the speedwatch monitor is lower on the bank reconciliation than on the agenda. Clerk to investigate and circulate a report.
The Llangynidr Covid Volunteers' grant from PAVO, should only be accessible by a nominated individual and has to be considered as an temporary arrangement.
b) Cheques to be approved in July 2020. Approved
Grant to the Burial Ground Committee £200.00
Grant to the Village Hall Committee £3000.00
Cleaning the car park (Jul) £40.00
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Jul so) £356.19
Cleaning the public conveniences (Jul) £120.00
Flower Bed contract during summer months (Jul) £60.00
Rentokil Initial UK Ltd £191.52
Usk Valley Tree Services (bank charge) £23.00
Viking – toilet supplies £66.80
Public Toilets Cleaning (May) £114.50
Cleaning the Car Park (May) £37.50
Toilet Supplies from Screw fix via S Dale £15.99
Chairperson's Allowance £150.00
Metrorod, blockage fix £456.00
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Mar so) £356.19
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Apr so) £356.19
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (May so) £356.19
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Jun so) £356.19
c) Cheques paid in March, April, May and June 2020.
Cleaning the car park (Mar) £37.50
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Feb so) £356.19
Cleaning the public conveniences (Mar) £114.50
One Voice Wales membership £161.00
Wales Audit Office £299.75
Defibrillator case for the Primary School £402.00
Speed monitor for speed watch team £276.481
Gates for the car park Pontrillas £149.22
THE SAFETY SUPPLY CO (11 Jackets via S Dale) £23.64
Litter picking hoops (Water Irrigation via S Dale £44.83
Llangynidr Agricultural Society Show £100.00
Jubilee Committee £100.00
Brecon Advice Centre £50.00
Brecon Mountain Rescue £100.00
Brecon Dial-a-ride (disabled club) £100.00
Wales Air Ambulance £50.00
Brecon and Radnor Sports Awards £50.00
Powys Dyslexia Support Group £50.00
Pretty pins leg club £50.00
Friends of Llangynidr School £100.00
Clook (internet service) via S.Dale £144.00
MB property maintenance via S Dale £50.00
Cleaning the car park (Apr) £37.50
Cleaning the public conveniences (Apr) £114.50
British Gas (elect. for toilets) £46.00
British Gas (elect. for toilets) June £41.94
1 This amount should read £242.34.
Car park cleaning (June) £37.50
Cleaning the public conveniences (June) £114.50
Water for the toilets (June) £163.70
Usk Valley Tree Services £500.00
Photocopier support for school £150.00
SLCC membership via S Dale £70.00
Llangynidr Coronavirus Volunteers £500.002
7. County Councillors's Report
The Powys County Council Officer is able to travel to the Nant Glaisfer to see the problems caused by the storms earlier in the year.
There is a new government initiative to put 20mph limits in villages where wanted. RH will find out what needs to be done. Other traffic calming measures, being intended for urban settings are not so useful in a village. The Police are also not entirely on board.
Covid – all schools will reopen in September, primary schools without social distancing. There will be a national review of care homes and how they have coped and are coping. There is also a review to check testing. Grants worth £50 million have been paid out.
90 new food and drink businesses have started since lockdown. There are talks to extend the holiday season a little (2 weeks).
Playgrounds in villages can open from Monday. Powys County Council owns about 60 playgrounds .
RH, MP and the Secretary to the Village Hall Committee are arranging to meet to discuss possibilities for Llangynidr playground.
An announcement about village halls is expected soon.
RH held a meeting for Town and Community Councils which was well attended. Another meeting will be held towards the end of September for anyone to attend.
Powys County Council have given 2 hours free parking to drivers using their car parks.
Museums, galleries and libraries will open soon, depending on social distancing.
RH also said she would find out about grants from Powys County Council that might help with the repair work to the public toilet sewers.
8. Planning Applications:
2 See item 17.
9. The state of Cyffredin Lane, the surface is disintegrating between Glaisfer Bridge and the far end of the lane. Additionally, the drainage problems have not ben sorted out as evidenced by the last lot of heavy rain we had. The lane has been bad since the recycling lories have been using it. The surface is dangerous – very loose and difficult to brake on. The drainage problem is at this end (the village side). The pot holes are being addressed, the worse ones first and then the less bad ones.
10. The car park gate to Dyffryn Road has been damaged . A local craftsman has agreed to try to repair it. Clerk to ask the PCSO and possibly the DVLA for vehicle details. MP will provide the registration number.
11. There is a car parked near the Western Power station near the Red Lion. Residents are concerned that the car has been abandoned. The vehicle has gone.
12. Biodiversity report, required by Environment (Wales) Act 2016, S6. Clerk to ask the NRW Officer to give advice on caring for the Council's stretch of riverbank (above the bridge up to Pen Daren) and the old ford by Worcester Cottage. Clerk to send EG's concerns about neighbours' activities, invasive species (particularly Himalayan Balsam) and rare species (such as Greater Bellflower and Globe Flower) to the NRW Officer. No other comments were made.
13. The Red Lion wishes to be able to offer the village car park for customers use during the time that that parking within the pub's grounds is not available. The Landlords ask the Community Council is using the village car park is acceptable. Council resolved to permit the use of the car park at this time. Clerk to respond.
14. The litter around the village is noticeable. The Community Council is holding a community litter pick on Saturday the 8th August 2020 at 10.30am. Clerk to advertise.
15. Invitations to tender for the website construction have been sent to 5 contractors. To be discussed and a contractor selected. The only contractor to fully address the accessibility issue was approved for the contract. Clerk to let the contractors know the result.
16. Invitations to tender for the tree monitoring on the Usk riverbank have been sent to 3 tree surgeon contractors. To be discussed and a contractor selected. No contractor tendered, seek other contractors. Adjourn till next time.
17. The Llangynidr Coronavirus Volunteers have asked the the
Community Council hold their £500 until they need it. To be discussed. See item 6a.
18. At present there are almost 40 Llangynidr residents who will be submitting forms to the BBNP about the disputed path at Pen Twyn. Council is asked to consider supporting this action to retain the path for present and future generations. Councillors have been asked to speak to the landowners again. DM has tried to talk to the landowners but has had no luck yet, he will try again. Adjourn the item.
19. The kiosks in the village have been retained for telephone use. However some of the residents would like to adopt one of the them as defbrillator housing and a mini library. Residents have been consulted and are in agreement to purchase the kiosk on Forge Road. The Council should consider taking legal opinion on the standard contract BT use. Adjourned for June. Clerk is to circulate the contract to Councillors, to check. Clerk to check if there have been problems with other adoptions of kiosks.
20. The car park reserves should be made up to £1500 as per budget FY20- 21. Discuss the budget for the Solicitor's fees and the new website. Agree actions. Item adjourned.
21. The public toilets near the hall in Llangynidr have blocked again, the engineer who came to fx them suggested that this situation would arise again as the pipes leading from the building are made of fbre and have distorted. Another problem is a lack of benching under one of the manholes. Discuss and agree actions. The problem has been dealt with for the moment. The substantial cost of repairing the toilet sewers and stopping the problem from recurring needs to be considered with the budget. Clerk to get quotes for the work and request a contribution from the other relevant parties. Details of the work to be sent to RH.
22.Reports from meetings attended: Subsequent to the meeting between the Village Hall Committee Chairman and MB the guidance for the school has changed to no social distancing and they will not now be looking for outside accommodation.
23. Any agenda items for the next meeting from Councillors: None Date of next meeting: 29th September 2020 Signed by the Chair Dated