Minutes of a Council Meeting held in Llangynidr Hall on Tuesday 29th June 2021 at 7.30pm.

Public participation. The Secretary to Llangynidr Village Hall Committee updated the Community Council on ideas for the future to make the hall more welcoming to all. GT (Chairman of the Village Hall Committee) added that there was a good chance to progress the mutual interests of the Community Council and the Village Hall Committee.

A member of the public commented on the scarcity of litter bins causing litter to be dropped on the floor or in the dog refuse bins. Bank holidays the bins are overflowing. Could extra bins be put in?

Present: Mr Alan James (elected Chairman for the meeting), Mr David Filsell, Mr D Williams, Mr Gene Taylor and Mr Paul Lindoewood.

In attendance: County Councillor R Harris, S.Dale (Clerk), The Secretary to the Llangynidr Village Hall Committee, 1 member of the public who is a councillor's helper and a member of the public.

1. Apologies: Mrs Margaret Price, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr David Mantle and Mr Mark Brian.

2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: None

3. Signing of the minutes;

25th May 2021: Approved, proposed DW and seconded PL.

4. Correspondence:

a) A letter from a resident concerning traffic and defibrillators. (item 13)

b) Responses from Dwr Cymru and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) (item 14)

c) Powys Teaching Health Board - covid update. On circulation. Vaccination programme is progressing steadily.

5. Clerk's Report.

Informed Glan Usk estate that the vegetation in their bridge field was overgrown obscuring the view of oncoming traffic for drivers.

The litter pick was attended by 11 volunteers (including 2 children) who picked up 1 large bag of rubbish and ½ bag of recycling.

The new hand driers have been installed.

A problem with the cattle grid on Beaufort Road has been reported to Powys County Council, this is part of a long term issue.

£79.37 in toilet donations was banked.

Clerk has been reminded to send a note reflecting council's pleasure and pride in the school's recent maths achievement.

6. Finances

a) Statement of accounts and bank reconciliation for the year to 2021.

b) Cheques approved in June 2021.

Cleaning the car park (Jun) £40.00

Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Jun so) £471.00

Cleaning the public conveniences (jun) £280.00

Flower and path contract (jun ) £60.00

Poppies from RBL £90.00

Viking (toilet supplies) £67.18

Initial (hand drier rental) £20.03

British Gas (elect. For the public toilets) £15.03

c) Cheques approved in May 2021.

Cleaning the car park (May) £40.00

Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (May so) £471.00

Cleaning the public conveniences (May) £280.00

Flower and path contract (May) £60.00

7. Report from the County Councillor. The County Councillor has seen the work on Mill Road progressing, PCC is pushing to re-open the road.

Two blocked culverts near Ty Cerrig on Glaisfer Road are being examined.

The right of way through the Church yard (from Lychgate to Church) is to be re-surfaced.

PCC owns over 22000 Ash trees over 5m tall. A specialist officer has been employed he may be able to advise council's like Llangynidr who own some Ash trees.

Agenda item for future reference, RH will invite Mr James Evans MS to visit the Community Council. Councillors to consider the issues to be raised with Mr Evans.

Llanbedr Primary School (Church in Wales) is currently being considered for closure along with schools in the north of the county. If it does close, Llangynidr Primary School may gain about 6 pupils.

RH suggested that PCC should litter pick the Beaufort Road particularly in view of the traffic hazard.

8. Planning Applications: 21/20064/FUL, Cleisfer House, extensions. No objections.SD

21/18897/FUL, Aberhoywe Cottage, No objections as low impact.SD

9. Annual Governance statements were considered and approved.

10. Signing of the Annual Return 2020-21. Approved.

11. NHS HART request for permission to training on the riverbank. Approval confirmed.

12. Request for a transfer of £4000 from the business reserve account to the business current account to accommodate spending before the next precept amount is due. Approved. SD

13. A resident has written to urge the Council to buy a solar powered variable speed sign (like Gilwern's) for Cwm Crawnon Road. Also to urge the council to put defibrillators in redundant telephone kiosks. See item 17.

14. NRW have a statutory duty to report on water quality. SD to send the sewage spreadsheets from Dwr Cymru to AJ. SD to write to NRW reminding them of this duty

15. The wash lanes of the Nant Glaisfer have been documented by a short study by the Historical Society and a study by Mr David Filsell. Council is concerned that they remain intact and have been seeking ways to protect them. It was reported that there have been considerable alterations, a resident who has an interest in them may have photographic records of how they were in the past, these could be shared with the local Historical Society. The land drainage officers for small water courses may be able to help, Clerk to ask. Clerk to look into who owns the riparian rights?

16. Mill road update – see County Councillor's report.

17. PCC are carrying out a parking review of Llangynidr.. The Engineer has asked that the community council gather information about problem parking areas in the village to feedback to PCC. So far areas highlighted for further examination are; the Duffryn Road entrance to the pre-school, the area around the Beaufort also on Duffryn Road, and Blaen y Myarth/Forge Road. Parking on the bridge over the Crawnon – Clerk to ask the local PCSO. The purchase of a solar powered sign may not be possible this year as other expenditure has taken priority, but it could be considered for next year.

18. There is a method of getting people to donate to help pay for the car park and the loos. It is a method of using a mobile phone to donate. Llangasty village hall are using the scheme to help pay for their car park which is used by walkers. We were told that they had received donations of £45 after only having set the scheme up for a week or two. The website is www.nationalfundingscheme.org. Also is there a case for zoning the car park for vehicles? Clerk to go ahead and set up the scheme. Zoning was not felt to justify the expense. SD

19. Reports from meetings attended. GT attended the Village Hall AGM and is now Chairman.

20. Any agenda items for the next meeting? None


There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 27th July 2021
