Minutes of a Precept Meeting held on 12th January 2021 at 7.30pm via electronic media.

Present: Mrs Margaret Price, Mr Alan James, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbs, Mr David Filsell, Mr David Mantle, Mr Mark Brian (Chairman)and Mr Paul Lindoewood.
In attendance: S Dale (Clerk)

  1. Apologies: Mr David Williams

  2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: An interest was declared by MP as a member of the Village Hall Committee.

  3. Consideration and approval of the reserves analysis document. Amended as directed and approved.

  4. Consideration of appeals received for financial support in 2020/21: After consideration of the appeals received during the year and considering the financial information provided, it was resolved that the following donations be made, the Council being satisfied that the requirements of Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 are met:1

Donations Amount Legal Reference

Brecon Advice Centre £50.00 LGA 72 S142

Wales Air Ambulance £50.00 LGA 72 S137

Llangynidr Agricultural Show Society £100.00 LGA 72 S137

Crickhowell Volunteer Bureau (defibrillator) £100.00 LGA 72 S137

Llangynidr Jubilee Committee £100.00 LGA 72 S137

Dial-a-ride £100.00 LGA 72 S137
Other contributions

Contribution towards community photocopier £150.00 LGA 72 S137

Young Persons Awards £250.00 LGA 72 S137

  1. The accounts of the following parochial charities were received:

Llangynidr Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity £3000 LGA 76 S19​​​​

6. Approved: Budget for 2021/22 as attached: Staff costs are as per the SLCC National Agreement, scale SCP8 (revised) but the clerk's hours have been increased to 40/month. The Community Council agreed to support the Village Hall Trust with a contribution of £2500 towards the playing fields maintenance and the additional discretionary £500. All grants are discretionary. The budget for the public conveniences was set at £3800.00, recognising the necessity of keeping the toilets open for public health reasons. The final figure of £18000 is more than last year but will require encroachment into the reserves to accommodate work on the trees on the riverbank and other necessary expenditure. The clerk was instructed to circulate the accounts of the Village Hall, ask the County Councillor for any information about the roll out of the vaccine, put the village hall contribution, the amalgamation with Llangattock and the problem of dog fouling in the village on the agenda for nex

7. Setting of Precept figure for 2021/22: Resolved that the Precept required for 2021/22 is £18000. To be confirmed at the next meeting Tuesday 19/1/21 at 7.30pm.

MB lost connection and MP took the chairmanship for most of the rest of the meeting with MB rejoining to close the meeting at 8.55pm.




1 Section 137 expenditure limit for 2020-21 is £8.32 per elector x 891 electors =£7413.12