Minutes of the Llangynidr Community Council Finance Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 11th January 2022 at 7.30pm.

Present: Mr Alan James (Chair), Mr Gene Taylor, Mr Mark Brian.

Attending:Ms Sue Dale (Clerk), Mr D Filsell (For first 10 minutes) and 1 member of the public.

1 Apologies: None.

2 Declaration of interest: None

3 To recommend a budget to the council for 2022/23.

The Village Hall contribution was discussed. It was suggested that the contribution be split into two, the first part to cover the grass cutting and insurance as agreed and the second, discretionary part to contribute to the needs of residents. Residents are urged by the Village Hall Committee to look at all the work being done in and around the village hall.

Tree work as indicated in the Tree Survey completed for the Community Council last year. This work may have to be done in 22/23 as it has proved difficult to obtain enough quotes, but efforts will be made to finish this financial year.

Public toilets: The Community Council are waiting for the results of a Dwr Cymru survey of the sewage pipes around the toilets. This will help to determine the extent of the Community Council financial obligations in this area this or next financial year.

The Chairman's Allowance has not been claimed this year, following the wishes of the Chairman.

The budget was recommended.

4 To recommend a precept figure to the council for 2022/23.

Last year's precept was lower as a result of a critical report from the external auditors. They felt that the reserves were to high so the council sought to reduce them, making the precept less than it would have been otherwise. Now the reserves match the contingency plan, so the precept has to match expenditure. This has coincided with the following increase in costs; Salary cost have increased to compensate the clerk for hours worked, the toilets refurbishment and possibly work on the sewers, necessary legal expenses to formalise the relationship between the Community Council and the Village Hall Charity, election expenses, tree maintenance (a new legal obligation).

Supported by the figures presented to the finance committee, it was observed that the recommended precept of £25000 would set the Band D council tax for the Community Council at less that £1/week.

5 Items from Councillors for the meeting on the 18th January 2022.

GT asked that the storage containers behind the hall be put on the agenda.

The chairman closed the meeting at 20:24