Minutes of a Council Hybrid Meeting held in Llangynidr Hall and via electronic media on Tuesday 26th July 2022 at 7.30pm.
Present: Mr Mark Brian (Chairperson), Mr David Williams, Mr David Mantle, Mr Gene Taylor, Mr Harry Duff, Mr David Filsell, Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss, Mrs Jane Dawkins, Dr Loretta Maddox and Mrs Jan Sharpless.
In attendance: County Councillor Jackie Charlton, S.Dale (Clerk) and 2 PCSOs.
Public participation.
PCSO Lee Garrett presented the Police Report:
Burglary of chain saws, a motorbike and a van took place in the Vale of Grwyney. Lee recommends making sure that garages and outhouses are locked securely at night.
Noise in Llangynidr car park, caused by a group of youngsters and disturbing the residents. Patrols will be made.
Items have been stolen.
A bike has been hit.
A van has run over a sheep
Cars causing an obstruction around Forge Road – illegal/dangerous parking should be reported to Powys County Council, with a photograph and a statement.
Drunk driver.
A councillor commented that there is no evidence that new 20mph speed (due to be introduced over the next 18 months) will reduce accidents. The County Councillor commented that there is a lot of evidence that accidents that occur at 30mph have a worse outcome than those at 20mph.
Speed watch on the 11th or 18th August will be a training day (if anyone is interested in being trained please let the clerk know, Tel: 01874 730 202)
County Councillors Report – July 22
Kept Sue Dale - updated with road closures and information for sharing.
Next County Councillor Surgery - Saturday 23rd July. Will be making this a regular event which
will be shared on my Facebook Page Welsh Lib De Cllr Jackie Charlton for Llangattock and Llangynidr | Facebook. If you would like to meet with me to suit your needs then please do let me know on cllr.jackie.charlton@powys.gov.uk or phone on 07444495633 which has a link to my hearing devise.
3. Llangynidr Bridge – We have started to arrange a public meeting in October. Finer arrangements awaited.
4. Speed Watch Volunteer Training – This will take place in August. There are four volunteers from Llangattock attending. Sue has suggested that I take over the Speed Monitor which I have agreed to do. We will take to the training in August to get the police from GoSafe to check it. If anyone would like to be considered for training please do get in touch.
5. Internet Connection – I have been asked how the roll out is going and whether it would reach Glaister Road. The roll out has been delayed due to Welsh Government vouchers that are needed to continue the work but this has been over come so all work progressing now.
6. Prescription pick up from Walnut Tree Store – Received a lot of correspondence regarding this. Have contacted Powys Community Health Council and the GP Surgery. Powys CHC are liaising with Powys Teaching Health Board who commission services from Crickhowell GP Surgery and they are checking on all the details. Still awaiting a response from the Surgery. (item 13)
7. Green Man Festival – Have contacted Crickhowell GP Surgery to give some leeway to patents who may need to change appointments or who may be delayed for appointments. Fiona Stewart, the Green Man organiser promised an article for Contact to give all information. If anyone needs more information please do contact me.
Powys Wide Issues:-
20 mph legislation is now in place and a dedicated officer has been appointed to map out 30 mph restricted roads to be transferred to new restriction after September 2023. Lots of work to be done to complete. (item 8)
One network, one timetable, one ticket White Paper has completed consultation, new legislation with a promise to make public transport in Wales joined up. Powys have responded and celebrating the fact that they have had a considerable input into the process. This won’t mean a massive difference to routes although the promise of extra routes is possible but it does mean we can now work towards a proper ‘public’ service across Wales.
School Transformation – School closures have been postponed and a considerable amount of work is now being undertaken.
Ukrainian Refugees – Powys has managed to support all families coming to our authority.
Discretionary Cost of Living Fund – The cabinet approved a new fund to undertake support for struggling families in the cost of living crisis. All the information is available here Discretionary Cost of Living Support Scheme - Powys County Council
Proud Powys – Powys County Council has signed up to Proud Powys. Here is a short press release explaining Powys's pride in becoming a Proud Council | Shropshire Star
Nutrient Management Board – Have started to get closer to the issues of phosphate in our rivers. Am a member of the Nutrient Management Board and other groups who are bringing issues across borders together on these issues. Will try to keep everyone informed but still gathering information right now.
Apologies: None
Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: None
Signing of the minutes;
28th June 2022: Approved, MB to sign.
7th July 2022 : Approved, MB to sign.
Clerk’s Report
Car Park and Toilet donations - £32.30, interest £0.05.
14 volunteers at the litter pick, held on Saturday 16th July, gathered 4 bags of rubbish and ½ bag of recycling.
A councillor has circulated the news that tetra packs (those used widely to contain juice etc) can be placed in the red box kerb side recycling.
Annual Parish Meeting notes have been published and Nigel Brinn's presentation is on the community councils website (www.llangynidrcouncil.org.uk) under “news and notices”.
There will be a training needs analysis completed over the summer. This is where councillors record their training needs. The resulting table specifies the training needs of the council to be addressed in the coming year. This is a statutory obligation.
A complaint from a resident with regards to noise late at night in the car park. The police have been informed. The County Councillor has also enquired about the problem, a resident has asked if the bench can be moved. Over the summer all the benches will be examined and a list a maintenance tasks compiled, the placement of the 2 car park benches can be considered as part of this.
A complaint has been made about the Footpath through Car Park, that it is overgrown. The contractor who looks after the car park has been asked to trim the overgrowth back at head height. The path now is clear above head height, unfortunately the Cwm Crawnon Road access to the path is also overgrown and is not within the boundary of the car park.
Its for them – allow grass to grow for wildlife.
An entomologist has offered to meet councillors and residents for a chat and a walk along the riverbank. Date to be arranged.
The Village Hall Committee will need to serve a certificate B on the Community Council should they have to apply for planning permission for the perimeter track (from Planning Aid Wales).
Statement of accounts and bank reconciliation from April to May 2022. Adjourned.
Cheques to be approved in July 2022. Approved
Cheques to be approved in June 2022.
Cleaning the car park (June) £40.00
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (June so) £478.60
Cleaning the public conveniences (June) £280.00
British Gas (elec.) £20.00
Flowerbed and path contract (June) £60.00
Public toilet electricals and other works £1635.00
Chairmans Allowance £150.00
One Voice Wales membership £177.00
SLCC membership (half) £80.00
Planning Applications: None
20mph limit leaflet etc.
Future Beacons re-consultation.
A fairer council tax, Welsh Government
Grant funding opportunities.
Formal thanks are due to Margaret Price, Elizabeth Gibbs and Paul Lindoewood and Alan James, Community Councillors who retired May this year. Approved
The County Councillor has called on the Community Council to call a public meeting to discuss travel, transport and parking in October (possibly the 18th). To be discussed and action agreed. The 18th was agreed (subject to hall availability). There will be an open day in the hall and later presentations, one has already been confirmed.
First Unity Bank have an account with 2 signatories and electronic signing. The new signatories could be included. It costs £6/month and accrues no interest. In general the costs are somewhat greater than that of the current bank but the convenience is much greater. Approved.
A resident has complained about the lack of signage to the village from the A465. He suggests having signs to Crickhowell until the turn off to Llangattock/Crickhowell on the mountain road when Llangynidr could be marked. To be discussed and action agreed. Clerk to write to Trunk Road Agency to ask if this may be done.
Prescriptions will no-longer be issued from Walnut Tree Stores after the end of August. A notice from the GP practice indicates that there may be concerns over security. To be discussed and action agreed. The County Councillor is exploring the reason for this change in such an invaluable service. Council wanted to make clear that residents are appreciative and very grateful to the staff of Walnut Tree Stores Council is keen to help secure the service if possible.
The Environment Committee is established. Are there at least 3 councillors willing to be elected and serve as members? And of those 1 to be elected to serve as Chairperson, who will call the first meeting. LM and MB volunteered, but a third councillors could not be identified. Subject to confirmation.
Complaints have been received by the Community Council about 3 overgrown hedges in the villages. Their significance is to pedestrians travelling next to them – they are being forced further out into the road than needs be.
Of the 3 hedges, the hedge between the Bike Shop and the Forge Road Junction has been taken back and also has an overgrown verge beneath it. The approximate cost of strimming back the verge (requested a quote). The remaining 2 garden hedges are between the Service Station and the canal. To be discussed and action agreed. The Clerk is to approach the owners and respectfully enquire if they were aware of the difference a cut could make to the pedestrians walking by their hedge?
Review of the Car Park:
Suggestions have been made for the area be marked for car bays, completely or partially. And for donations to be made on use. GT to supply contacts.
The footpath through the car park has become overgrown in part, does the current flower bed and footpath contract need changing to improve biodiversity (from next spring)? Only to add, from next spring, that the footpath also needs clearing outside the perimeter fence where it meets Cwm Crawnon Road. The path needs to be wide enough for a double buggy.
The recycling bins are a facility valued by some, but they do not look appealing when you enter the car park, and the 3 smallest bins are in the place where the new large sign is to be set. Or would council prefer to remove the bins and hopefully the fly-tipping completely. The 2 recycling bins there without permission should be removed by their owners, clerk to arrange.
The car park will be discussed in the public meeting in October. Some questions are; why does the Community Council pay business rates to Powys County Council for the car park? The donations cannot be constantly monitored. There is a fly tipping problem in the car park. The hedge at the back of the car park will need laying in the Autumn.
Fro bridge update – for information only. The work by Canal and Rivers Trust's contractors has been set: The 12 week notice begins 10/10/2022.
The Dyffryn Crawnon valley community has asked Council to consider a contribution to the defibrillator they plan for the recently purchased kiosk. Will Council make a contribution towards the £1885 inc. vat they need for the project? £500 was approved.
In engaging with the Village Hall Committee, a small delegation may be best placed to discuss and frame the new, formal relationship always with the interests of the inhabitants of Llangynidr in mind. Are there at least 3 councillors willing to be elected and serve as members? And of those 1 to be elected to serve as Chairperson who will call the first meeting. The Delegation Committee will report to the Community Council as required. Its role will be advisory. Its terms of reference to be reviewed annually. HD, MB and DM volunteered, a meeting is being arranged.
Will Council recommend Code of Conduct training for all new members, co-opted within 12 months (new training dates have not been released yet)? Do any Councillors have a comment they wish to air in Council? A councillor stated that the business of the council must go through the council.
Does council wish to continue with the fixed unit charge from British Gas – the advice is to stay with the provider but go to the variable unit rate. Approved to go to the variable rate.
The bench in Erw Bant is said to be in a very poor state of repair. To be discussed and action agreed. To be inspected over the summer along with the other benches to list any maintenance or siting issues.
The Community Council does not use weed killer, should it be encouraging others to do likewise in the climate emergency? Councillors discussed the various points instructing the Clerk to ask Powys County Council on residents use of weedkiller on Powys land.
Disposable BBQs have been found after they have been used on the riverbank. Concerns have been raised about the fire hazard they represent. What steps if any should council take to discourage their use?
There should be a river litter pick in September and the clerk to cost a sign banning the use of disposable BBQs on the riverbank.
A resident has raised concerns about the fire hazard represented by the long grass in Persondy Field. A local person has offered to cut the grass after it has rained for a consideration. To be discussed and action agreed.
The field has now been cut, consideration provisionally approved.
Reports from meetings attended. MB attended a Governors' meeting at Crickhowell High School where issues raised were the teaching of religious awareness and admissions policy amongst other matters.
Any agenda items for the next meeting.
Chairperson closed the meeting at 9.50pm.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 7.30pm, September 20th 2022.