Present: Mr David Williams (Chairperson), Mrs Jane Dawkins, Mr David Filsell, Mrs Jan Sharpless and Mr Gene Taylor.

In Attendance: S Dale (Clerk). Mrs Beth Carpenter.

Public Participation.

1. Report from the County Councillor

A successful village conversation on the 8th October 2022, results sheets were circulated and will be published on the community council's website. There will be a feedback session in January to discuss what can be done and what cannot be done.

Llangynidr will host the next councillors surgery on the 26th November in the village hall.

Go safe will start speed watch soon.

“What is killing our rivers?” BBC Wales ie. On I-Player.

Catchment review – a letter has been sent to parents.

Buses, there was a query, why can't the bus stop at Govilon, Gilwern and Llanfoist? JC will look into.

Parking on the bend over the Crawnon Bridge was raised.

Speeding is an issue of concern all over the county as well as here in Llangynidr.

It is reorted that people have been intimidated on the bridge, the electronic signs product engineers will look at the issues.

2. Apologies:

MB, HD, DM and LS

3. Declarations of interest:


4. Signing of the minutes:

7th October 2022, proposer: JS, seconder:JD. Approved

5. Amendment to the minutes of 27th September 2022.

Item 28. “Approved” for “Adjourned”, Approved.

6. Clerks Report.

Car Park and Toilet donations - £98.33, interest £0.05

Zoom meeting with PCC; budget, school transformations, right of way and planning. More collaborative work needed by PCC especially with volunteers Councillors etc.

Met with Wales wildlife trust and the contractor who looks after the flower beds and footpath, Village Hall Committee representatives and a Councillor. To plan for more bio-diverse plantings. Inspiring meeting.

The Historical Society would like to meet up with Councillors to discuss the exact placement of their proposed information panel. Some dates to offer?

Happy to meet up after the paper and bottle bins have been removed – for which we have no dates yet, so the CC will be in touch.

Welsh Government and CADW have indicated an intention to list the War Memorial. The Historical Society have also been informed.

There is a bio-diversity conference 27/10/22 10-4pm, drop in basis.

The cost of living hub from Powys County Council, will be put on the website shortly.

The Welsh Government, Department for Climate Change reported that it will not be issuing additional signs to Llangynidr from the A465.

7. Finance

Budget information and bank reconciliation for October 2022.

Cheques to be approved October 2022.

Cleaning the car park (Oct) £40.00

Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Oct so) £478.60

Cleaning the public conveniences (Oct) £280.00

British gas (elec. for the public toilets Oct) £20.00

Car Park non-domestic rates (Oct dd) £80.00

Hedge trimming at Persondy Field £70.00

Hedge trimming at the car park £300.00

Cheques approved in September 2022:

Cleaning the car park (Sep) £40.00

Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Sep so) £478.60

Cleaning the public conveniences (Sep) £280.00

British gas (elec. for the public toilets Sep) £20.00

Flowerbed & path contract(Sep) £60.00

Car Park non-domestic rates (Sep dd) £80.00

Viking – toilet supplies £68.14

Manchester safety signs – bbq signs £85.08

8. Planning Applications: 22/21356/LBC Saladin House, Mill Road.

To reinstate second chimney stack with matching stone. No objections.

9. Correspondence:

- Royal British Legion Grant Scheme.

Draft Annual Report from the Independent Remuneration Panel. Councillors now have an allowance for consumables about £200/annum. If all the councillors claim it it will put £2000 on the precept. If individual councillors decide not to claim it there may be a way of gifting the money back to the Community Council for a specific reason. Clerk to contact Llangattock's Clerk.

News of a PCC scheme to alleviate fuel poverty, what are the criteria for fuel poverty?

10. Sky lanterns should be banned in Wales. Discuss and action agreed.

Council felt that they had responded to this appeal individually.

11. Consideration of an application to join the Community Council. Mrs Beth Carpenter was co-opted to the Community Council unanimously.

10. Sky lanterns should be banned in Wales. Discuss and action agreed.

Council felt that they had responded to this appeal individually.

11. Consideration of an application to join the Community Council. Mrs Beth Carpenter was co-opted to the Community Council unanimously.

12. The Crickhowell safety issue (old conservative club) has a response from Welsh Government. The letter has been circulated. The Town Council are asking for comments from the other Five Councils.

No comments

13. A concerned resident has asked if the Community Council can help to stop people from camping by the canal on Forge Road where there are no sanitary facilities.

CRT to be contacted, to consider 1 night in 7 perhaps?

14. Remembrance Sunday is on the 13th , services at Crickhowell and Llangynidr. County Councillor Jackie Charlton will attend.

15. Powys County Council are holding a catchment review for the Crickhowell cluster of schools. Information has been circulated.

School transformation came about because the long-serving Head of Crickhowell High School retired and the Head of Crickhowell Primary left 2 years ago. So it made sense to Powys County Council to examine the whole process: All through schools have some benefits, for example the burden of administration is lifted. But may also have some minuses.

16. “Shared space” signs may be helpful in several places around the village. For example Castle Road, Dyffryn Road, Clerk to find out how much they would cost.

17. Information about community councils and parking charges has been circulated. Would council like to pursue this line of enquiry? JC will have a look at.

18. Some dog owners allow their dogs to poop on the pavement and do not clear up after them. This can be disappointing, even upsetting, to other dog owners. What actions can the Community Council take to help change this situation? Some dog owners who do this are known to the Councillors. One councillor volunteered to get in touch. DW

19. Institute of Welsh Affairs requests for a brief description of Llangynidr for their Welsh Places publication. Great Hall, beautiful views, Persondy Field, Canal, River, Dyffryn Valley, Pubs, Mardy Lane, wash lanes and Mill etc. Clerk advised to contact The Historical Society.

20. Could PCC move the dog and litter bin from it's current position close to the school gates? In the summer months it is unpleasant to stand there.

The bin by the entrance to the pre-school could go on the green by Forge Road it was suggested by a Councillor. JC will take up.

Reports from other meetings?

Any agenda items for the next meeting?

Broadband connections in the village./ Empty houses in the village.


Date of next meeting Tuesday November 29th, 2022.


There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed

the meeting at 8.45pm.