Minutes of a Council Hybrid Meeting held in Llangynidr Hall and via electronic media on Tuesday 28th June 2022 at 7.30pm. 
Present: Mr Mark Brian (Chairperson), Mr David Williams, Mr David Mantle, Mr Gene Taylor, Mr David Filsell, Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss, Dr Loretta Maddox and Mrs Jan Sharpless.
In attendance: County Councillor Jackie Charlton, S.Dale (Clerk) and Warden Rhys Powell of Brecon Beacons National Park(BBNP)
Public participation.
        Warden Rhys Powell will organise an onsite meeting between the Rights of Way Officer at BBNP  and the Community Council to look at the Pencommin footpath that is blocked.  The case is not straight forward; part of the path has been deleted from the definitive map.  There may be an alternative potential access that could be looked at during the meeting.
A councillor noted that the stile that exits on to Cwm Crawnon road is too close to the traffic, could that path be diverted to the recreation ground?  
Pentwyn paths decision must wait for BBNP to complete their process.
 The warden was thanked for his contribution.
County Councillors Report – June 22
1. Kept Sue Dale updated with road closures and information for sharing. Notable ones include 
1. Trunk Road notification for A40 (proposed works over the next two years where temporary road works may cause disruption) 
2. Shared Prosperity Fund – Have Your Say 
3. Funds for Sound Systems and digital improvements for Village Halls 
4. Articles of interest including Greener Powys on cutting back verges to improve biodiversity Wildlife encouraged back to Powys roadsides - Powys County Council 
2. Active Travel Meeting – early support for Loretta to look at measures for safer routes to school for children in Llangynidr and for older children who use the school transport from the car park to get to Crickhowell. 
3. Cwm Crawnon verges – discussion on getting some action on the overgrown verges which encroach on pavement space. Hoping to get sorted soon. This organisation maybe of interest who work in Talgarth On The Verge Talgarth, organised by Martin Draper - Co- operate (coop.co.uk) 
4. Mardy Lane issues on verges where debris has caused problems with overflow rain water blocking drains. 
5. Mardy Lane accident – engineer has assessed the damage and responsibility to repair. Awaiting the report and outcome. 
6. Ukrainian Support Group meets every Thursday in Crickhowell Scout Hut. Host families are finding the What’s App group very useful. Have solved some urgent issues picking up messages. If you know or are a host family and not aware of this just let me know. 
7. First County Councillor surgery on Saturday 18th June. Will be making this a regular event which will be shared on my Facebook Page Welsh Lib Dem Cllr Jackie Charlton for Llangattock and Llangynidr | Facebook. Bit of an experiment and if you prefer to meet with me to suit your needs then please do let me know on cllr.jackie.charlton@powys.gov.uk or phone on 07444495633 which has a link to my hearing devise. 
8. Llangynidr Bridge – Verbal feedback on meeting 20 June (may have some feedback on parking audit and progress) Meeting held with James Evans MS, Mark Brian and Tony Caine. 
Powys Wide Issues:- 
1. We now have a functioning Administration in Powys after the election of a Leader at the AGM on 26th May with a Lib Dem/Labour Partnership Agreement. We agreed the ProgressivePartnershipwhichIcanshareifrequested TheProgressivePartnershipfor Powys (002).pdf 
2. Schools update – We are reviewing the process for local school closures before making any decisions on the way forward. Here is the latest update in recent press release New Powys Cabinet faces major challenges over schools - Powys County Council 
3. My Cabinet role – We now have a portfolio covering a Greener Powys which we committed to in the election campaign. This portfolio includes Climate Change and Decarbonaisaton, Highways and Recycling, Transport including Home to School Transport, Countryside Services and Environmental maters. 
Everyone has been very welcoming in my first couple of months as County Councillor for Llangynidr so just wanted to say thank you to the Community Council and residents of Llangynidr. 
Apologies: HD
Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: None
Signing of the minutes;  
26th April 2022 (changes to public participation): Approved, DM proposed and GT seconded.  MP to sign.
17th May 2022 : Approved, DM proposed and GT seconded.  MB to sign.
Correspondence: - Good Councillors Guide 2022.
Statutory Guidance for the Local Government and Elections (Wales) 2021.
County Councillors June Report   
see also item 9.
Clerk’s Report
Income: £73 donations (car park and toilets), £8.82 Wayleaves,  £0.05 Interest and Precept of £8334.00.  
Burial ground report has been circulated – all is well.
A councillor reported repairs to the bridge at the dog leg on the back road have been approved and will take place over the summer.  There will be no restriction over the green man festival but there may be a need for a long term management plan for the future of this listed bridge.
Talybont requests the use of the website template for their new website.  
Llanfrynach Community Council have also agreed. 
The parking plan had been circulated.
There has been a complaint from a resident about the trees growing out of the structure of the bridge.  An Engineer has responded that it would be taken care of in the next 2-3 weeks.
 Society of Local Council Clerks and One Voice Wales have produced a Finance and Governance Tool kit which has been circulated.
Llangattock Community Council enquired about swimming aids for the Usk.
Statement of accounts and bank reconciliation from April to May 2022.  Approved.
Cheques to be approved in June 2022.  Approved
Cleaning the car park  (June)                                         £40.00
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (June so)       £478.60
Cleaning the public conveniences (June)                     £280.00
 British Gas (elec.)                                    £20.00
Flowerbed and path contract    (June)                  £60.00
Public toilet electricals and other works                      £1635.00
Chairmans Allowance                                                   £150.00
One Voice Wales membership                        £177.00
SLCC membership (half)                                                £80.00
Cheques to be approved in May 2022.
Cleaning the car park  (Apr)                                           £40.00
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (May so)        £478.60
Clerk's back dated pay rise for 21-22                      £91.201
Cleaning the public conveniences (Apr)                        £280.00 
British gas (elec. for the public toilets)                           £20.00 
Flowerbed & path contract(Apr)                                      £60.00
Toilet supplies (Viking)                         £77.98
Planning Applications: None
Good Councillors Guide 2022
Statutory Guidance for the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act (2021).
County Councillors Report June.
A vote of thanks to Rosemarie Harris for extensive service from Llangynidr  Community Council.
The Dyffryn Crawnon valley has a former telephone kiosk and the community there are interested in housing a defibrillator in it.  The cost of the installation is about £1900.  Would the Community Council consider contributing?  Cost quoted is for:Zoll AED 3 defibrillator with carry case, single set of adult/child electrodes, visualised instructions, CPR coaching, RescueWrist ShockBox Rotaid (unlocked) heated cabinet and Community signage pack.  £1885 including VAT.  The Community Council asked for another meeting to consider the level of contribution.
The switchback bridge on the back road is still not repaired yet, there are concerns about the Green man Festival's traffic this year because of the damaged state of the bridge.   Clerk to find out if the bridge will be fixed before the Green man festival.
The next litter pick of the year is on 10.45am, Saturday 16th July, 2022 in the car park.  Approved.
Tenders have been invited for the repair of the boundary wall to Persondy field (along Dyffryn Road).  To be discussed and action agreed.  Of the two tenders for the work, one was noticeably cheaper.  The cheaper quote was approved  at £980. Clerk to inform the participants.
 Mill Road has been shut for 2 years, is there anything that can be done to improve the situation?  Ongoing.
Letter to show support for the village halls project to build a walking / jogging track and a new toilet block.  Approved,  planning permission will need to be considered as the Community Council are the owners of the land.  Clerk to make enquiries.
Meeting dates to accommodate the County Councillor, so she can attend the meeting in person.  The meeting dates are satisfactory.
Review the bank mandate – currently GT, DM, DF & MB.  JS and LSW volunteered to be able to sign cheques on behalf of the Community Council.
Vote to appoint, of nominated community councillors, to the Powys County Council Standards Community Sub-Committee.  Ann Gerrish of Crickhowell was selected. 
There is a funday held by Llangynidr Agricultural Show Society on Sunday the 28th August 2022.  Would the Community Council like to have a stall there to advertise it's activities etc.  Clerk to arrange.
Would council be content to lend Llangattock Community Council the speed watch device while Llangynidr do not have a team at the moment and Llangattock have offered to monitor speed in Llangynidr. Approved.
Terms of reference for the Committees have been circulated.  They need to be reviewed for effectiveness. The Human Resources Committee Meeting is planned for immediately after the main meeting.  A new committee has been suggested to reflect growing environmental interest on the council and in the village.  The committee is to have no budget this year as the budget has already been set.  A minimum of 3 councillors will be needed to make decisions.  The Chairman of the environment committee will be elected from the Council.  The activities of the environment committee will be limited by the legislation that binds the Community Council as well.  The Committee will be delegated with powers of representation, but not commitment to spend unless previously authorised to do so. To report monthly to Council.  Approved.
Llangynidr Community Council may wish to be represented on Powys Action on the Climate Emergency (PACE).  To be discussed and action agreed.  LM will represent the Community Council on PACE.
The Car Park recycling scheme has been the cause of problems in the past year or so – broken glass scattered around, stacks of bottles around the bins, cardboard being stacked around the bin etc.  Last year Llangynidr Community Council was paid £165 by Powys County Council for the value of the recycled goods.  Now that we have a kerb side collection of recycling do we need this additional facility?  The Community Council would like to make a facility for residents to be able to park their vehicles permanently in the car park at £40/month of £500/year.  A larger parking sign is on order.  Clerk to cost the proposal and ask Powys County Council if the recycling bins can be moved away from the entrance.
Historically there have been several attempts to secure land for allotments in Llangynidr.  A new approach has been suggested by a councillor, to garden land as a collective enabling greater participation.  To be discussed and action agreed. A local landowner may be approached in supplying land for this scheme, possibly the School or possibly unused gardens.
Persondy Field boundary wall has been advertised again, one additional tender has been submitted.  To be discussed and action agreed.  See item 14.
Llanfrynach Community Council have agreed to pay half of Membership for SLCC, about £80, will Llangynidr do the same? Approved
One Voice Wales membership is £177 this year, does council wish to renew? Approve.
The Finance and Governance toolkit is available, does council wish to adopt it?  As a reference document.
Reports from meetings attended: None
Any agenda items for the next meeting:
Environment Committee
Hedge and verge between the bike shop and Forge Road.
Review of Car Park.
Hedges opposite the entrance to Erw Bant are overgrown.
Chairperson closed the meeting at 10.05pm.
Date of next meeting:  Tuesday, 7.30pm, July  26th 2022. 
Human Resources Tuesday, 7.15pm, July 26th 2022.
