2 minutes silence were observed for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ii.

        1. Present: Mr David Williams (Chairperson), Mr Harry Duff, Mrs Jane Dawkins (elected Chairperson for item 10), Mr David Mantle, Mrs Jan Sharpless, Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss.

        2. In Attendance: S Dale (Clerk), PCSO Lee Garrett.

        3. Public Participation. - Report of PCSO Lee Garrett.

11 calls in the area; Police are pleased with the evidence gleaned from a dump from a cannabis factory.

There was a theft from a holiday canal boat. Police are looking for a young couple driving a white fiat – a slim blond female and mousy male. A purse was taken, if you should come across it please pick it up with gloves to protect any evidence.

A camper van hit the bridge.

Officer attended an incident in the car park. They recommend a height barrier or gate to discourage these incidents. Also a car park order, unfortunately a long and expensive option.

2 young lads were caught having kicked a lady's front door, both apologised and volunteered to help her in the garden one day. Some flowers were given to the lady as well.

Youths have been found drinking cans and making noise in the car park. The police recommend a camera to gather registration numbers. Then the section 59 orders can be used by the Police to remove the car from the driver.

The PCSO wants the community to be aware that crime tends to increase when the Clocks go back, so lock up.

        1. 1. County Councillors report

The village conversation day (8th October 2022, 12 noon to 5 pm) on transport, speeding, parking, the river bridge and active travel. Volunteers will facilitate and keep the conversation going. An electronic questionnaire should be prepared for 8/10 to allow those unable to attend to contribute their views.

Speed watch, 3 more volunteers have come forward for training and assessment of different sites for appropriateness are ongoing.

The river bridge has been somewhat overwhelmed with vehicles seeking to avoid traffic queues in Crickhowell. Establishing the rights of way, which may be helped by new road markings or traffic lights, if the substantial cost was considered worthwhile (and was passed by CADW).

The new 20mph looks like it will apply to parts of Llangynidr.

The County Councillor met with the Practice Manager of the War Memorial Health Centre about the service, for a number of reasons and after a great deal of information has been exchanged between the Health Board and the practice, the service to Walnut Tree Stores cannot continue. The practice are recommending using Crickhowell Volunteer Bureau or perhaps a voluntary service from Llangynidr. Volunteers would need to be authorised by each patient. The patient would have to impart their name and address (and possibly DOB) to the volunteer. The surgery is going through a difficult time, with 3 retirements coming fairly close together and staff sickness due to stress.

Phosphate pollution is higher in the Usk than the Wye. The reason for this is being investigated. No development at the moment because of the pollution is brings. Local landowners are concerned.

Powys will be setting it's budget over the next few meetings. Pressures are greater than anticipated and the situation is fast moving. Residents are being informed as much as possible.

Schools transformation is being announced this week.

Ukrainian refugees - Powys has managed to support all families coming to our authority but the next stages of support start now. Please contact me if you require any help.

Hall spaces for warmth and activities. Expressions of interest invited.

Discretionary cost of living fund information can be found at Discretionary Cost of living Support Scheme – Powys Council . We know that autumn and winter will bring new challenges to everyone in our communities.

Nutrient Management Board – please see section on Phosphates.

Verges – both Llangattock and Llangynidr share this problem. A conservative figure of 40 sheep have been lost to vehicles driving over the mountain on the Beaufort Road this season. The sheep shelter in the bracken and move on to the road seeming to come from nowhere. The Commoners are individually considering grazing cattle on the common. But they are concerned about the possibility of more serious accidents with drivers. A 40mph restriction has been considered but it would be difficult to impose.

Nant Glaisfer and Cae Porth. Powys CC have agreed to become actively involved.

Dropped kerbs have been requested, Powys CC will canvas residents to find out exactly where they need the dropped kerbs.

        1. 2. Apologies:

GT, MB & DF.

        1. 3. Declarations of interest:


        1. 4. Signing of the minutes:

26th July 2022, proposed: DM, seconded, HD and 9th August 2022, proposed: JS, seconded: JD.

        1. 5. Clerks Report.

Car park donations and toilet donations total £253.51 this FY. Interest this month is £0.05.

The Sardis Chapels are working together to see if they can provide a warm place for residents this winter, hopefully with the help of Powys County Council.

Update on Gilestone Farm, The Talybont clerk reports that the Community Council will be the only body Welsh Government talks to about its examination of the business plan for Gilestone Farm. She confirmed the the business plan itself was going to remain private. They expect to hear in the next month or so.

Sky lanterns to go on the agenda next month so that the community council can register it's view on them.

An unseen force for good in the community – put on the website and ask “Contact” to publish the list of jobs residents do voluntarily and without anyone in particular knowing, with our grateful thanks.

National 20mph speed limit. A report has been issued about how the scheme will work, the response time is very short, til 11/10.

        1. 6. Finance:

a) Statement of accounts and bank reconciliation for end of August 2022.

b) Cheques to be approved September 2022:
Cleaning the car park (Sep) £40.00
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Sep so) £478.60
Cleaning the public conveniences (Sep) £280.00
British gas (elec. for the public toilets Sep) £20.00
Flowerbed & path contract(Sep) £60.00
Car Park non-domestic rates (Sep dd) £80.00
Viking – toilet supplies £68.14 Manchester safety signs – bbq signs £85.08

c) Cheques approved in July & August 2022.
Cleaning the car park (July & Aug) £80.00
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (July so) £478.60
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Aug so) £478.60
Cleaning the public conveniences (July& Aug) £560.00
British gas (elec. for the public toilets July & Aug) £40.00
Flowerbed & path contract(July & Aug) £120.00
Manchester Safety Signs £415.86
S Dale reimbursement for SLCC membership £80.00
Rentokil-Initial (sanitation and hand drier rental) £338.04
Car Park rates (July dd) £80.00
Car Park rates (Aug dd) £80.00
Village Hall charges £90.80
Toilet part refurbishment(SDR home improvements)£1635.00
One Voice Wales membership £177.003

        1. 7. Planning Applications; 22/21178/FUL, the Tyle, Dyffryn Road-vehicular access changes.

“No objections”

        1. 8. Correspondence.

-The National Lottery Community Fund’s Climate Action Fund is making up to £8 million available to community projects across the UK that are focusing on the link between nature and climate. 8/9/22.
-Appeal for volunteers for Home Start 6/9/22.
-Woodland creation grant for farmers. 6/9/22
-Full council meeting Powys Community Health Council Tuesday 6
th December. 5/9/22.
-Application for Community Council membership 1/9/22.
PCC INTENDS: Temporary Road Closure: B4560 LLANGYNIDR, CRICKHOWELL (7 Oct 2022) 25/8/22.
nnovative practice conference - Green infrastructure projects? 22/8/22
Transforming Towns Study 19/8/22
Sustainable Development Fund - Brecon Beacons National Park 9/8/22
Smart survey for Welsh Government – future digital support16/9/22
-Training dates 15/9/22
-Residents complaints – Car park footpath and dog poo problem, traffic and transport 14/9/22
-Complaint from a car park visitor about not being able to stay overnight anymore9/9/22
-Email from PCC about the cost of living crisis. 20/9/22
-Councillor Charlton has meet with engineers and residents about the Nant Glaisfer. 30/8/22
-“On the Verge” wrote to show the projects they have been involved with.8/9/22
-Cyfrreddin Lane works, care needed by passers by. 7/9/22
-Resident making the Bwlch side of the bridge more visible to travellers. 6/9/22
-Water customer survey – on paper
-Hope House appeal – on paper
-Appeal from the Urdd – on paper

        1. 9. A Community Councillor has resigned, another councillor has requested that the letter of resignation be read.

Council voted and chose not to read the letter of resignation, which they had all read, to remain respectful and treat all with respect. The contents of the letter questioned the councillors not welcoming families into the village or the safety of its residents. It was unanimous the council worked very hard for any new and old residents and their safety is its priority. 


        1. 10. Appointment of the school governor.

DW has knowledge of the school and asked to be considered for the post. JD was voted unanimously as Chairman while DW vacated the room for the discussion. DW was unanimously elected to the post. Clerk to inform the School.

        1. 11. CADW and the Historical Society have suggested that a panel showing the historical significance of Persondy Field should be put in the car park.

In principle agreed, the siting of the information panel was suggested as the “pointy end” of the car park.

        1. 12.Could improvements be made to the canal towpath access, at its junction with Cyffreddin Lane?

Clerk to contact Canal River Trust for an on site visit. No change to the existing stone stile is to be made. Ownership of the area must be established.

        1. 13.Retrospective permission for 2 hours filming on the riverbank 6/9/22.


        1. 14. A resident has brought up a fencing issue in Church Close. The school's fence is too short to protect the children and the fence beyond.

The School Governor will take this forward.

        1. 15. Persondy Field grazing has been advertised, a tender has been received.

The tender was accepted.

        1. 16. 5 Councils' Liaison Meeting is due to take place on Wednesday 9th November at Glan Grwney Village Hall. Are there any agenda items to submit?


        1. 17.A resident has written appealing on behalf of elderly residents who are afraid crossing Cwm Crawnon Road.


        1. 18. A draft agreement document has been circulated by the village hall committee. To be discussed and action agreed.


        1. 19. The benches were reviewed over the summer. 2 benches were found to be in need of repair/replacement, the picnic bench in the car park also needs repair/replacement.


        1. 20. Biodiversity enhancements to the flower beds and the footpath end of the car park have been discussed, including moving the picnic bench away from the houses. To be discussed and action agreed.

It will encourage youngster away from the proximity of the houses, and incidentally provide a home for the Persondy field information board. And the area will have less recycling bins because PCC are removing the glass and paper banks.

        1. 21. Withdrawal of the prescription service at Walnut Tree Stores. A second letter from the Chairman to be sent to the Practice Doctors or the Practice Manager and copied to Powys Teaching Health Board if approved.

It was decided not to send the second letter.

        1. 22. Could the Royal Welsh Show be used for the Green man Festival?


        1. 23. Gilestone Farm, reportedly in the hands of the Green man Festival, there are concerns that the Talybont bridge is weight restricted and has only one lane.


        1. 24. The hedge at the top of the recreation ground, near the tennis courts, is overgrown.


        1. 25. A request for dog poo bags to be freely available at bins.


        1. 26.Update on the safety concern at Crickhowell.


        1. 27. The hedge trimming inside the car park and out will cost £300, a local person has been engaged to do it, as it is urgent.


        1. 28. The hedge at the back of the car park needs laying this year. The team who managed the hedge before have offered a quote. This is skilled work.


        1. 29. Update on Beacons Telecom roll-out progress in Llangynidr.


        1. 30. There are a number pot holes near Pwll Court on Dyffryn Road.


        1. 31. The village conversation planned for 8th October 2022 needs volunteers.

One volunteer was forth coming.

        1. 32.The road margins on Beaufort Road require cutting back for safety.


        1. 33. Reports from other meetings attended.


        1. 34. Any agenda items for the next meeting?


Date of next meeting:Tuesday, 25th October 2022.


There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed

the meeting at 9.40pm.

        1. Adjourned items will be discussed at the next meeting.


1 For approval only

2 For approval only

3 For approval only