Public participation: PCSO Lee Garrett attended and gave the following report; Valuable property was stolen recently from a local residence.

Anti-social driving has been observed, usually local youngsters. Can be reported to the go-safe site, which links into the work of the Speedwatch team. Any filming has to have the permission of those photographed the apprpriare link can be circulated on request.

Unofficial rallies of cars are not accessible to complaints from the Community Council.

Illegal fox hunts on Llangynidr mountain are suspected.

A suspicious vehicle, a dark blue Skoda with false plates; DK16 BKS should be reported but not approached.

A scam involving Amazon Vouchers - an unfortunate victim has been advised.

The PCSO was congratulated on the recent presentation of the “We care” award. Council is delighted for our hard-working PCSO.

Present: Mr Mark Brian (Chairperson), Mr D Williams, Mrs Jane Dawkins, Mrs Beth Carpenter, Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss, Mr David Filsell, Mrs Jan Sharpless and Mr David Mantle.

In Attendance: County Councillor Jackie Charlton, S Dale (Clerk).

1 Report from the County Councillor.

The parking review run by Powys with the community is nearly ready for the last round of consultation, however the 20 mph changes are proving time consuming for the authority.

A litter picking event took place on Saturday 15th April, some 4 and a half bags of rubbish, 1 bag of recycling and a fluorescent tube. Llangattock Litter Pickers took the rubbish away and recycled it. The event was reported to Taclus Cymru. Llangattock Litter Pickers also took part in the “Spring Clean” and gathered a huge amount of rubbish and recycling. Another Llangynidr litter pick has been arranged for Saturday 20th May (10.45am -12ish) and will combine with the County Councillor's (JC) Surgery in Llangynidr car park.

The recycling bin requested for the car park – no definitive result yet, JC continues to engage Powys staff on this matter.

Cardboard bins were cleared in the week of the 17th April, but not moved from their position. JC will keep at it.

On the re-instatement of the later afternoon bus service, JC will keep asking.

There may be a possibility that Bannau Brecheiniog and Powys County Council together could introduce an electric mini bus service.

JC particularly wanted to endorse Gail Jones of Llangynidr's work in organising and delivering speedwatch, JC is grateful.

Gilestone Farm, Talybont – JC asked if the development could be good for the local area. Although she has concerns about the environment, particularly the bat habitat.

There is a winter service review until 24/5/2023.

Section 6 environmental reports are due soon. Powys are running a Climate and Nature emergency conference on Saturday 24/6 in Llandrindod Wells. JC urged councillors to attend.

Get ready for 20 (the new speed limit) is active.

The litter bin placed very close to the entrance of the pre-school on Duffryn Road causes distress as it is well used by dog walkers and is the height of a small child. It is worst during the summer but is noxious all year round. There is space close by for the bin to be moved to.

County Councillor Jackie Charlton also publishes a written monthly report which is published on facebook and on noticeboards locally.

2 Apologies:

HD and GT.

3 Declaration of interest in items of business listed below:


4 Signing of the minutes;

28th March 2023. Proposed by DW and seconded by JD, approved.

5 Finance:

a. Budget v actuals report for end of year and bank reconciliations.

The reconciliation balanced at £10434. Some cost centres are over budget (donations, room hire, car park hedge and public conveniences). The public conveniences particularly expensive to run (eg £280/month cleaning). Some are underspent (office expenses, computer equipment, car park rates and other projects and maintenance). The balance for the year, £552 under budget and a precept of £22000, £3000 less than the year before. A grants officer is now evaluating external sources of funding.

6 Cheques approved in April.

Cleaning the car park (Apr) £40.00

Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Apr so) £478.60

Cleaning the public conveniences (Apr) £280.00

British gas (elec. for the public toilets Apr) £50.00

Village Hall room hire £24.00

Audit fee for 21-22 audit. £347.00

Village Hall room hire (Apr) £24.00

b. Cheques approved in March 2023.

Cleaning the car park (Mar) £40.00

Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Mar so) £478.60

Cleaning the public conveniences (Mar) £280.00

British gas (elec. for the public toilets Mar) £50.00 – not required due to government grant of £150 direct to supplier.

Car Park non-domestic rates (Mar dd) £80.00

One Voice Wales training £70.00

Furniture for the biodiversity area in the car park £372.00

Tables for the Village Hall playground £330.00

Garden day support £150.00

Viking toilet supplies £68.00

Grass cutting contract £675.00

7 Planning:

23/21903/FUL, 24 Erw Bant. Full width extension across rear elevation. Existing gable roof to be extended, and new flat roof over remaining footprint. New canopy porch to principal elevation update of existing upvc windows to aluminium, brickwork to be rendered and existing concrete roof tiles to be replaced with slate.

No objections.

8 Correspondence

- Penn Review of Ethical Standards, a consultation. 30/3/2023. No comments.

Public Engagement , air ambulance service in Wales 17/4/2023. Clerk to object to losing local services in the long term.

Objection to planned Nant Mithil and Pylons Project 13/4/23. Clerk to check no similar pylons will be used on the Penmarch Windfarm Project.

9 Response to a formal request of Powys County Council for a recycling/rubbish bin on the car park and consideration of the placement or removal of the cardboard bins.

See 1. Report of the County Councillor.

10 Overview of crowd-funding and any next steps towards acquiring 2 variable speed indicators for the village.

The fundraising must be for a specific cause and not for profit. Donations are charged at the time of the pledge. The fundraiser should have a plan incase the fund does not reach the target. Either keep the donations towards the target or return them all. The funds must go direct to a stated bank account.

On a £12 donation there is a charge of £2, 20% VAT and 22.4p per pledge, so the fund would benefit by £9.56. Clerk should check with Powys County Council to be sure the process would be compliant and contact the Traffic and Highways Manager to ask what the next steps are, which sign and power options to choose etc. SD

11 Three new toilet seats and lids are needed and have been sourced for £19.99 each at Screwfix plus delivery.

Approved, SD to action.

12 Residents have bought a defibrillator for their home on Forge Road, they wish to make it available to the community. The scheme would need a weather-proof cabinet for it to be housed outside, would council consider the provision (about £400)? Adjourned from last meeting.



13 Approval of the invitation to tender for a flower bed contract (3 year).

Approved. Clerk to advertise noticeboard and website.

14 The bench in the car park needs repairing, cost from the manufacturer is £194.58 (inc. delivery and VAT).


Council wish to examine alternatives to repair. Clerk to provide information on alternatives for the next meeting.


15 Ash tree in Persondy field has been inspected, it was recommended to wait for autumn when the nesting birds have finished.


16 Boundaries of the recreation ground have been assessed actions to be discussed.

The boundaries have been inspected and are sound for the forseeable future. The adjacent landowners have been recorded so that they can be contacted in an emergency.

17 Fixings for the picnic table and bench are required, options to be discussed and action agreed.

DM and BC and JD decide if the bench and picnic table should be on the soft ground the hard ground which will determine the fixings to be used.

18 Annual governance assessment and report for approval, in preparation for the audit.


19 Update on the Village Hall/ community council lease etc.

The Village Hall Committee and the Community Council are working towards getting the lease ready.

20 Meeting dates for approval.


21 Reports from other meetings.

JD reported on the 6/4 Town and Community Council meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner. The main theme was for improvement. PCSO Lee Garrett is to be invited to talk to the Annual Parish Meeting about cyber crime (date yet to be determined)

22 Any agenda items for the May meeting.

Pavement re-surfacing along part of Cwm Crawnon Road will take place 2024, the Community Council will need to cut back the vegetation just beforehand/ Flower bed etc contract/Remit and engagement of the internal auditor/Financial support for “Contact”

Date of next meeting; Wednesday 3rd May 2023 Extraordinary Meeting

Tuesday May 30th, 2023, Annual Meeting