Public participation:

Present: Mrs Jane Dawkins(Chairperson), Mr Harry Duff, Mr David Mantle, Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss and Mrs Beth Carpenter.

In Attendance: S Dale (Clerk).

The start of the meeting was delayed due to a technical problem with the computer equipment.

1 Report from the County Councillor.

With the new speed limit the buses are more important than ever. Is the Beacons Bus reinstated? Is there a Sunday service? Clerk to find out.

Beaufort Estate, a meeting on Tuesday 3/10 from 9am to 5pm for graziers to discuss a proposal from the estate.

Groesffordd houses (3) are being repaired and refurbished and will hopefully go to local people in housing need.

Repair Cafe in Llangattock 30/9 and County Councillors surgery.

Village conversation, nature and climate emergency. Community members are looking for land to have a community garden.

Powys County Council, a county of sanctuary, are looking to home Ukrainian families.

There is a 3 month closure of the waste and reclamation site at Ffrewdgrech. Other sites in the county are Cwmtyrch, Ystradgynlais and Llandrindod Wells.

2 Apologies: Mr Gene Taylor, Mr Mark Brian, Mr David Filsell, Mrs Jan Sharpless, David Williams and CCllr Jackie Charlton.

3 Declaration of interest in items of business listed below:


4 Signing of the minutes;

25th July 2023. Extraordinary minutes to be presented at October meeting.

5 Clerk’s Report

The recycling cheque for this quarter was about £19.00, however recycling cardboard is a valued service for residents and Council therefore wishes to retain it.

6 Finance:

Budget information and bank reconciliation for August 2023.


Cheques to be approved in September 2023:

Cleaning the car park (Sept) £40.00

Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Sept so) £478.60

Cleaning the public conveniences (Sept) £280.00

British gas (elec. for the public toilets Sept DD) £24.17

Car Park non-domestic rates (Sept DD) £86.00

Car Park flower bed and verge maintenance (Sept) £90.00

Room hire £36.00


Approved during August 2023:

Fencing contract balance £127.00

Councillor Allowance £150.00

One Voice Wales £193.00

7 Planning Applications: 23/22100/FUL, Y Wern. Air source Heat Pump. No objections.

23/22317/FUL, Belmont Garage. Stairs access to day room.

The garage was built about 6 years ago and now retrospective planning is being sought for the external staircase. A letter from a resident against the application was read out by the Chair of the Community Council.

Council does not like to see retrospective planning permissions.

8 Correspondence:

The Welsh Ombudsman's Equality plan consultation. 2nd October.

Llangynidr History Society presents the Commonwealth War Graves Commission 17th October, Village Hall at 7.30pm £5.

Boundary Commission Wales: Lessons learned by 30th September.

Welsh Government have asked for RAAC information in all public buildings. Clerk has responded as the deadline is short

Heritage Day, 14th October 2023 at the Guild Hall Brecon.

9 The Llangynidr Refugee Welcome Day is to be held on 15th October 2023. The organisers ask for the Community Council's support.

Council is happy to support the Llangynidr Refugee welcome day. Clerk to ask how the Council can help.

10 An appeal to Powys County Council (PCC) to fix the stock grid on Beaufort Road before even more damage is done. PCC have responded, via the County Councillor, that they are aware of the urgency and will act as soon as can be. Can anything further to be done?

Not at the moment but will report back if needed.

11 Review of the parking double yellow lines proposed for the village.

The County Councillor has the definitive list; from the telephone box on Forge Road to the last house before the next rise.

There is no need for double yellow lines by the school (front entrance or the pre-school entrance. The lines will be installed after the 20 mph limit has been embedded.

12 Sustainable tourism in our area. The Green Man has grown to 25,000 festival goers. Was the traffic plan sufficient?

No change in the traffic infrastructure has been noted. The traffic management plan does not seem to have been checked. There was no attendance on the bridge and some difficulties were observed, although festival leavers seem to be fine. Council observed that the event is not a 4 day event but a 14 day event for residents with large delivery lorries using the approach roads for a full 14 days It was noted that the Llangattock turning is attended. Clerk to ask for a meeting between Llangynidr Community Council and the traffic authorities to allow input into the Traffic Management Plan.

13 Bus Services need to be enhanced for the village.

The County Councillor reports likely additions to the bus service. An after 5pm bus from Abergavenny and another after 5pm bus from Brecon.

14 Collection of prescriptions for the elderly, a resident has suggested a locked cupboard at Walnut Tree Stores as volunteers are not always available to deliver, it is not clear whether Crickhowell Volunteer Bureau volunteers had been asked.

Although Walnut Tree Stores will not be used, the Crickhowell Volunteers stands ready to deliver prescriptions (01873 812 177) NHS first responders also. Clerk to ask “Contact” to advertise the service.

15 A resident would like to set up a book bank in the bus shelter and asks Council's permission.

A councillor volunteered to assist if required and the Community Council offered to paint the inside of the bus stop – possibly with a mural. However, the facility needs to be kept tidy.

16 Hedge trimming quotes for the car park have been requested.

DM will chase up.

17 Weeds in the tarmac and nettles on some car park boundaries.

There are weeds in the tarmac all over the village, the County Councillor is asking for advice from Powys.

18 Welsh Ombudsman's Equality Plan for discussion.


19 Clearing up after other people's dogs is difficult for residents to put up with. Is it time PCC was consulted for solutions?

Clerk to consult Powys County Council. At the moment the community feels frustration but Councillors are concerned that ill feeling may result.

20 Residents are hoping to make a community garden in the village. Modest grants are available for such enterprises.

It is said that the green man is also issuing grants for such enterprises. The Village Hall Committee should be consulted before taking a decision, but Council was very positive about the idea. Council has concerns about tidiness and suggested that planting boxes be used in the short term.

21 Any other business (for information only).

The green lane joining the Tump on Pen-yr-ale with Castle Road has been trimmed back. Thanks to the Assistant Area Warden.


Loretta Maddox is thanked for her report supporting the 20mph restrictions and the petition which showed strong support in the community.


Community garden is to be an item on the agenda for the next meeting

Date of next meeting; Tuesday October 31st, 2023.

There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed

the meeting at about 9.30pm