Public participation:

Present: Mr Mark Brian (Chairperson), Mr D Williams, Mr Gene Taylor, Mr Harry Duff, Mrs Jane Dawkins, Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss, Mr David Filsell and Mrs Jan Sharpless.

In Attendance: S Dale (Clerk).

Report from the County Councillor -attached.

1Apologies:DM, BC, JC and LG

2Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: None

3Signing of the minutes; 28th February 2023. Add “There will be opportunity for amendments and discussions” to the second paragraph of the transport item ending “..made by some residents”.


a. Budget v actuals report for year to date and bank reconciliations.

The reconciliation balanced. Some cost centres are likely go over budget (donations, room hire, car park hedge and public conveniences) some are underspent (eg. Office expenses, computer equipment, car park rates and other projects and maintenance) the balance for the year will be close to on budget. The Community Council has been in receipt of a £350 grant from BBNPA to pay for the furniture for the biodiversity area in the car park. Also a government grant of £150 going directly to the electricity provider to help with the bills.

b. Cheques to be approved in March 2023.

Cleaning the car park (Mar) £40.00
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Mar so) £478.60
Cleaning the public conveniences (Mar) £280.00
British gas (elec. for the public toilets Mar) £50.00 – not required due to government grant of £150 direct to supplier.
Car Park non-domestic rates (Mar dd) £80.00
One Voice Wales training £70.00
Furniture for the biodiversity area in the car park £372.00
Tables for the Village Hall playground £330.00
Garden day support £150.00
Viking toilet supplies £68.00
Grass cutting contract £675.00

c. Cheques approves in February 23.

Cleaning the car park (Feb) £40.00
Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Feb so) £478.60
Cleaning the public conveniences (Feb) £280.00
British gas (elec. for the public toilets Feb) £50.00
Car Park non-domestic rates (Feb dd) £80.00
Laying the hedge at the back of the car park £1300.00
One Voice Wales training £70.00
Village Hall room hire (3*£24) £72.00
Llangynidr Junior Football club £125.00
Young Harpist £125.00
Dial-a-ride £100.00
Agricultural Show £100.00
Brecon Mountain Rescue Team £100.00
Wales Air Ambulance £50.00
Brecon Advice Centre £50.00
Jubilee and celebrations trust £100.00
Defibrillator £100.00


Brecon & Radnor One Voice Wales meeting on 29/3/2023.
Digital Health a statement from Welsh Government.
Five Councils Meeting on 29/3/2023.
Localities Network Survey (PAVO) – completed
Powys well being plan, survey 19/4/2023.

All circulated.

6Placement of cardboard bins in the car park, and residents' issue about the privacy now that the hedge at the back of the car park has been trimmed and replacement of bin with a recycling/rubbish bin.

JC has kindly indicated that she will arrange for the cardboard recycling bins to be moved within the car park. A recycling/rubbish bin is unlikely to be placed in the car park as they are reserved for high footfall areas. Councillors pointed out that the car park probably has the highest footfall in the village. Councillors instructed the Clerk to make a formal request to Powys County Council.

7Update on black bins for the bottom village.

It seems unlikely that the community will get these bins due to Powys County Council view that bins attract fly tipping and cost a great deal to maintain.

8To discuss the room hire charged by the Village Hall Committee.

Adjourned to September 2023.

9The problems of fly tipping and littering in the ward.

There is a particular issue on Llangynidr mountain, the problem is widespread in the area.

10Residents have bought a defibrillator for their home on Forge Road, they wish to make it available to the community. The scheme would need a weather-proof cabinet for it to be housed outside, would council consider the provision (about £400 unless otherwise supplied)?

Adjourn to April 25th meeting.

11To ask Powys County Council for better bus service.

The timetable does not appear to be up to date in the bus stop (Clerk to ask JC) . Clerk to ask Powys County Council why Llangynidr has been excluded from the earlier and later services.

12Ash tree in Persondy field needs inspecting.

A local expert will examine the tree to determine its best treatment.

13The school catchment area to be discussed and action agreed.

No action required at the moment.

14Boundaries of Persondy field and the recreation ground and actions discussed.

The boundaries of Persondy Field have been assessed. The Dyffryn Road and Mardy Lane boundaries are fine. The boundaries with the two neighbouring properties Persondy and Pren-Ceirios will have to be replaced with new stock proof fencing, the fence adjoining Pren-Ceirios will also need some additional work to prepare the ground and remove brambles. The licencee has been informed. Clerk to speak to the residents concerned.

The boundaries of the recreation ground have yet to be evaluated this part of the item is adjourned to April meeting.

15Update on speedwatch programme progress.

There have been 3 speedwatch sessions in the last 3 months. 38 vehicles were reported to the Police. Some 40% of those vehicles were travelling over 40 miles per hour.

16The Council have been awarded a £350 grant to buy a picnic table and a bench for the biodiversity area in the car park. 3 quotes have been gathered.

Brecon Beacons National Park has awarded this grant. White Castle of Abergavenny will provide the picnic table and bench for £372 (inc. VAT).

17The “Trefor and Scamp” bench at Erw Bant needs replacing, 3 quotes have been gathered.

A local carpenter at Glan Usk workshops will supply a simple Welsh Oak bench (4ft wide) for the place at Erw Bant.

18Gilestone Farm, Talybont, outcome of the recent meeting.

It is said that some 300 full-time jobs would be created at the site, Llangynidr Community Council has no view either way and awaits the outcome of the private meeting on the 17th March. Concerns about the impact on traffic for the area exist.

19To choose a variable speed indicator. To be discussed and action agreed.

LS will look into crowd funding to buy 2 of the variable speed indicators (about £3000 each including installation). Clerk to contact the traffic and highways manager for Powys County Council and advise him of the plan and ask his opinion.

20To pay the grass cutting contract (£675) for 2022.


21To let the VHC mole plough an area in the recreation ground for a conduit.

The conduit is for the music event to be held in the recreation ground in 15th July 2023. No objections were raised.

22Reports from other meetings.

JD and SD walked around the village one evening to see if the streetlights were all lit. Only one street light was found unlit – LR60 near Lower Lock cottage on Coed-yr-Ynys Road. Lights to illuminate signs (“pont wan” and “hidden dip”) on the bridge were not working. Clerk to report to Powys County Council.

SD and JD attended the 5 councils' environment meeting run by Llangattock Green Valleys. It was the first meeting of it's kind. There were several overlapping areas between the different councils. Such as ev charging provision, e-mini buses to loop around the 5 councils area, Hall insulation along with renewable energy. The environmental meeting was reported to the main 5 Councils' meeting on the 29th March 2023. The next 5 councils' meeting is to be at Cwmdu June 28th 7.00pm.

23Any agenda items for the next meeting.

Car park bench repair.
Parking charge regimes.
Anchors for the picnic table and bench.
Audit fee.

Date of next meeting; Tuesday April 25th, 2023.

There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed

the meeting at 9.09pm









County Councillor Contact Details:

Email: cllr.jackie.charlton@powys.gov.uk

Tel: 07444495633


County Councillor Report - March 2023

  1. VILLAGE CONVERSATION – After the Village Conversation we invited Tony Caine Professional Lead for Powys Highways to address some of the issue in relation to speeding, parking and the Bridge. The Yellow Lines Consultation will be prepared on the feedback given at the Village Conversation and after the discussion by the Community Council last month. We have a better idea on what the 20 mph will look like and some new plans have been shared on what could happen on the Bridge with new signage and road markings.

  2. Car Park Bins – I have contacted Brecon Waste & Recycling Manager to ask whether the Card Bins can be placed more effectively in the car park to give better parking and requested a recycling bin. The first element is probably easy, not sure whether we have any recycling litter bins for use outside of busy public areas such as those you see in Brecon. But the question has been posed.

  3. Bus Service – A further request has been put in regarding re-instating the afternoon return bus from Brecon at 4.00 pm, am awaiting a response. On getting a better bus service, this is something I am working on in conjunction with the transport review we are planning this year and for 2024 new contracts for operators.

  4. Llangynidr Catchment Review – I reported back on the catchment review last month. I would be interested to know the views of the Community Council and any observations very happy to report back to Powys. (See below what was said last month.)

  5. Speed Watch – We have now undertaken two Speed Watch sessions and both are showing similar results to the speed strips put in place by Powys CC. We stand opposite the Village Hall. We now have a great team led very ably by Gail Jones who organises the calendar and feeds back information to GoSafe CSW - Community Speed Watch in Your Area (gosafe.org). We don’t appear on the map yet but we are gathering some important data for the Police & Crime Commissioner and GoSafe.

  6. Request for signage by Village Hall – I am currently looking into having a ‘Playground’ sign put up on Cwmcrawnon Road so drivers are alerted to children crossing. If Community Council would like to support this too, it would help.

  7. Gilestone Farm – You maybe aware of the recent press release about the future use of Gilestone Farm. These are the headlines:-

    1. WG have had 71 questions asked at the Senedd on the matter, more than regarding the NHS over the same period.

    2. The Greenman have outlined their overall aspiration for the use of the site. This included setting up a permanent Powys base, developing a number of start up type business activities at the farm such as a bakery, brewery, weddings, creative industries etc.

    3. The farm will remain a working farm

    4. Greenman intend to hold events at the farm of up to 1500 people as per the current consents for the farm site.

  8. Kept Sue Dale Updated - With funding opportunities and council business.

  9. County Councillor Surgery Llangynidr – Next Surgery planned for March. Will be making this a regular monthly event sharing between Llangattock and Llangynidr community halls. This will be bi monthly and all dates on my Facebook page.


Powys Wide Issues:-

  1. Review of Winter Services – This is a review very much needed. Not been undertaken for 20 years. It is about the regular winter grit spreading which we see regularly along our roads. The review will enable Powys to consider how we manage these routes with optimum cover to areas most needed but will reconsider where not necessarily meeting standards within the statutory code. Grit bins will also be reviewed. There will be a consultation coming forward during February and I am hoping that all Community Councils will engage in this.


Catchment Review – February 2023

The Catchment Review for Llangynidr was overturned by Powys Learning & Skills Scrutiny Committee in January and the Cabinet reviewed the map in relation to Bwlch. It was decided to put Bwlch back into Llangors Catchment for primary. A meeting was held with the Chair and Head Teacher of Llangynidr together with Crickhowell Chair and Head Teacher to explain the reasoning behind the change. Although not completely satisfied with the decision they did accept the very fine line between Bwlch being in Llangynidr or Llangors. We are looking at the implications of the this on school transport but at present the system allows for learners to go to the nearest suitable school or catchment.