Public participation: 2 PCSOs from Crickhowell reported to the meeting. Clerk to thank the Police and Crime Commissioner for their attendance.

Present: Mr Jane Dawkins (Chairperson), Mr D Williams, Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss, Mrs Beth Carpenter, Mr Harry Duff, Mr David Mantle, and Mrs Jan Sharpless.

In Attendance: County Councillor Jackie Charlton, S Dale (Clerk),

  1. Report from the County Councillor.

Sardis Chapel was the venue for the latest Councillor's surgery. There was a constant stream of residents to see her.

Double Yellow Lines were discussed, confirming that they need to be both sides of Forge Road going up the hill to Bridgend house.

Speedwatch news, Llangattock are joining Llangynidr.

The bus to Abergavenny from Brecon, improve transport network in Powys, Powys County Council want to support community buses. There used to be a taxi residents could use to connect with buses from Crickhowell/Bwlch – it extended the network providing residents with a more usable service. A new transport contract for 25 onwards is being negotiated now, which is really exciting. Although it will be start in 25. Currently the last bus from Brecon is 1.30pm.

Road Closures will occur but WW has not finalised the detail, due to complaints from residents, Community Councillors and our County Councillor. JC will let us know when the closure will happen. School exams are a concern, with some wanting the closures to avoid the exam period. A Councillor asked if the Llangattock turning will be signed for drivers convenience and better traffic flow through Llangynidr – JC replied “yes”.

The bench on Erw Bant is to be replaced imminently. It will look very different from the original bench.

Powys County Council has introduced a new policy for dealing with commercial waste under Sustainable Powys.

There is a Town and Community Council's (T&CCs) online meeting with Powys County Council Cabinet on the 22/5. The Cabinet are interested in getting feedback from T&CCs.

The stock grid on Beaufort Road is fine.

PCC are organising counter strips on the river bridge.


PCSOs' Report.

There have been 6 calls between 26/3 to today (28/4):

Tractor tipped over in Cwmcrawnon Road at the weekend – the situation was

managed thanks to local farmers.

Garden tools were taken from a property at Dyffryn Road.

Off-raod bikes and quads in the Dyffryn.

A sudden death.

A broken down vehicle.

A school has been scammed. DM gave out the scams leaflet around the village . A resident reported a serious scam to DM, the PCSOs urged the
resident to report the incident to the Police.
The PCSO praised the Speedwatch organisation in Llangynidr. The PCSOs recognised that speedwatch sessions can be intimidating for volunteers. Volunteers' service to the community in raising awareness is very important.

They have been running kerb craft at the school and were involved in the successful Horse Society event at in the village hall.

Crickhowell traders have been intimidated by travellers - upsetting for the staff. Fortunately a PCSO was on hand to stop them.

Any issues get in touch!

  1. Apologies: Mr Mark Brian and Mr Gene Taylor.

  2. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: None

  3. Signing of the minutes;

26th March 2024, HR 16th April 2024, Finance Committee 18th January 2023. All approved.

Proposed: DW. Seconded:JS.

  1. Finance

a. Appoint signatory for bank reconciliations and regular payments, year end budget and actuals to be considered for approval.

HD, approved.

  1. b. Cheques approved April 2024.

Clean the car park (Apr) £40.00
Clean the public conveniences (Apr) £280.00
Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Apr) so £567.40
HMRC tax (March) repaid by clerk £20.00
HMRC tax (April) repaid by clerk £10.00
Car park non-domestic rates DD (Apr) £89.20
British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Apr DD) £28.28
Car Park maintenance (Apr) £90.00
Fencing materials for Persondy field £344.74
(DM to talk to the Licencee about dates for materials to arrive)
One Voice Wales Membership £177.00 (item11)

c. Cheques approved in March 24

S Dale for toilet maintenance petty cash £50.00
Clean the car park (Mar) £40.00
Clean the public conveniences (Mar) £280.00
Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Mar) so £567.40
Car park non-domestic rates DD (Mar) £86.00
British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Mar DD) £28.28
Car Park maintenance (Mar) £90.00
Young Harpist (Young Persons Allowance) £125.00
Garden Day Support £150.00
Re-issue of back pay cheque £422.80

  1. Correspondence:

    • 5/4/24 early notice of a road closure on the B4558 (Cwm Crawnon Road) please see the maps on the community council website /www.llangynidrcouncil.org.uk/notices JC has said she would confirm dates.

    • 8/4/24 ‘Understanding the new recycling rules for Community & Town Councils.’ the new policy is due in 2025.

    • 03/04/24 New funding for Town and Community Councils from BBNPA. Wait to hear more.

    • 10/4/24 Llangollen Eisteddfod and Urdd appeal for this year's events.

The Community Council gives grants to local charities.

    • 18/4/24 Minor injuries unit opening hours at Neville Hall. Hours are up on the website www.llangynidrcouncil.org.uk

    • 15/4/24 Openreach request to pay wayleaves directly. Approved.

  1. Human Resources Committee recommendations from 16/4/24 concerning the employment of a new clerk. References, start date, contract, pay, support, computer, printer and mobile to be fixed.

There was a recommendation from the HR committee and that candidate is to be offered the job.

Clerk is to make the offer tomorrow.

References are to be considered, bearing in mind that the candidate has not worked for an employer recently.

Start date proposed as 1/6.

HD volunteered to keep the noticeboard up to date for the new clerk.

If the candidate accepts the council's offer, the current clerk will invite her to the Annual Parish Meeting.
Contract is okay.
Pay is £13.06/hour
A lap top computer , printer and mobile phone are to be offered to the candidate if she accepts,, her preferences to be considered.

  1. Persondy Field licensing arrangements to be reviewed. Prop. and Sec.

LS-W to draft a new advert for the license for Council to consider. At the moment the process appeasrs too ad-hoc to the Councillors.

  1. Data policy review. Prop. and Sec.

Approved – clerk to update.

  1. Some limited feedback about visitor numbers to the website.

The clerk found some free information on the net – October 2021 107 visitors, and October 2022 41 visitors.

  1. Renewal of membership One Voice Wales (£177).


  1. Parking review – a final round-up.

The disabled bay for the resident on Forge Road is within the criteria so Yes.
The entrance to Oaklands can be protected (by lines) but Powys CC cannot do any more than that.
The DYL outside the Red lion will be refreshed.
Ken Skates will issue new LOCAL guidelines on 20mph restrictions .
PCC will put counter strips on the bridge but it may take some time to arrange.
2 X signs warning of pedestrians in the road (Forge Road hill)
Shared space road marking are not possible on the Forge Road hill because it is too narrow.
New double yellow lines will be painted on Forge Road on both sides going up the hill.
BC will liase with the Primary School to send a message to parents to please not use the zig-zag lines to stop/park.

JC and the Community Council to arrange a village conversation on Bridge issues. After
which the bridge will be reviewed next in 5 years time.
JC will look into moving the bin away from the pre-school entrance.


  1. Green man traffic meeting, 7/5/24 delegation GT, JD, DM, DW.

  2. Clerk to re-send meeting details. The delegtion will report to Council at the next meeting.

Proposed: DM. Sesconded; DW.


  1. Himalayan Balsalm Bash to be arranged.

Wednesday 22/5/24 6pm outside the Coach and Horses. JD and HD to attend.

  1. Village and riverbank litter pick 18th May 2024, 10.45am in the Car Park.

HD and JD to attend.

  1. The late bus route to Abergavenny has not been reinstated at time of writing.

There have been complaints about the lack of a late afternoon bus back to the village.

  1. Annual Parish Meeting preparations date (21/5), refreshments and speakers.

Speakers are JD Chariperson of the Community Council, JC County Councillor, Mr Ivan Langford, possibly the Guides (to be confirmed), the speedwatch organiser and GT the Chairman of the Village Hall.
DW will run the bar.
Refreshments will be arranged.

  1. Approval of meeting dates for May 24 to May 25.

Approved, although some councillors felt the prospective clerk should be consulted.


  1. New email address for the community council is llangynidrcc@gmail.com


  1. Planning Applications:

24/22792/FUL Llangynidr Village Hall new access track.

24/22813/FUL 18 Clos Castell “Ty Bobin”, extension.

24/22809/CON Llanerchybeudy Farm – variations on planning conditions.

24/22833/FUL 24 Clos Castell single storey outbuilding in rear.

No objections concerning the four applications. Clerk to inform BBNPA.

  1. Application for funds from Bamford Doors for the community garden in the car park. Prop. And Sec. Negotiated closing date 1/5/25.

Approved - Clerk to apply.

  1. Grant application from PAVO for development at the public toilets, 20/5/24.

Approved - Clerk to apply.

Grants Officers to be approached.

  1. Suspend Standing Orders for new riverbank registration rescind or continue?

Adjourn to May meeting – to enable more information to be gathered.

  1. Young Persons Allowance application.

Council decided to award £75 to the applicant and suggests to the young person that she could re-apply in January assuming there was funding available.

  1. Authority to pay the solicitors bill, for the lease and registration.


  1. Residents have asked for a noticeboard in lower Llangynidr. Prop. And Sec.

Not at this present time.

  1. Any other business (for information only)


Date of next meeting; Tuesday May 28th, 2024.

There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed

the meeting at 9.45pm