Present: Mr D Williams, Mr Harry Duff, Mrs Jane Dawkins (Chairperson) Mr David Mantle.

In Attendance: S Dale (Clerk).

1 Apologies: GT, JS, LS-W, BC and MB

2 Declaration of interest in items of business listed below:


3 Public Participation


4 Training commitment for the new Clerk.

For the first year of her employment, the new clerk will undertake Introduction to Local Council Administration (ILCA). Training fees and 10 hours/month training time in addition to 40 hours work time/month, to be provided by Llangynidr Community Council.

3 months handover – negotiable.

CILCA to be agreed when ILCA is attained.

Proposed: DM, Seconded: DW


5 Land formerly known as the Circuit of Wales.

In 2016 the Duke of Beaufort wished to purchase the rights to 242 hectares of Llangynidr Mountain (none of it in the Bannau Brechiniog National Park) for the Circuit of Wales. Graziers had rights over this land and have been granted compensation for the loss of their rights. Llangynidr Community Council, owning land with rights on the area in question, has been awarded £21,027.68, this includes £12 for the bank transfer fee.


DM, who championed compensation for the community council , advised “spend it wisely!” and suggested it be spent on “something for the youngsters.”


6 To decide on a course of action which resolves the current lease issue and which suggests how to settle the invoice.

Council resolved that the land must be registered to Llangynidr Community Council only. Clerk to communicate with the solicitors.

Until the lease is in place the Village Hall Committee may not be able to apply for grants - this matter is holding back the community.

7 Green Man Traffic Meeting – a report and any actions.

Someone will monitor the signs to make sure they don't get moved this year and Llangynidr proposals for projects will be considered by Green Man.


1. Open the festival from 8am on Thursday, to spread the traffic impact.

2. Have 2 separate lanes of traffic coming into the main car park.

3. Cars will not be stopped at the entrance and instead parking will be processed once vehicles are on site.

4. Provide the community council with a document outlining which days we expect to have higher traffic density - to be colour coded depending on traffic density

5. Advertise Llangynidr pubs, cafe and shop to the Settlement attendees if information detailing the premises name, description of function, address and opening times is given to us by the 1st of August. (Clerk to provide)

6. Increase the promotion that walking is prohibited along the B4558 heavily on social media.

Green man will request that the Powys County Council, Highways Department agree to:

1. Having an official staffed road closure on Llangynidr Bridge, for festival traffic only.

2. Being able to operate the traffic lights at Crickhowell bridge, so we can prevent lorries driving up the B4558 at the same time they are coming down from the festival.

3. Having a partial closure of the Mountain to Llangattock road on the Monday, for festival traffic only.

The Community Council will advertise on social media and the website what we have in Llangynidr.

8 Any other business

Finding information about the riverbank is proving difficult. To be considered at the Annual Council Meeting on Tuesday May 28th.

There is a litter pick on Saturday 18th May starting 10.45am in the car park.

There is a balsam bash starting at Walnut Tree Stores 6pm on 22nd May 2024.


Date of next meeting; Tuesday May 28th, 2024.

There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed the meeting.