Access failed for a remote councillor about part way through the meeting due to a problem with the computer running the meeting software.
Present: Mr D Williams, Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss, Mr Harry Duff, Mrs Jane Dawkins (Chairperson), Mrs Beth Carpenter, Mrs Jan Sharpless and Mr G Woodcock and Mr Gene Taylor.
In Attendance: Cllr. Jackie Charlton, PCSO from Crickhowell Station and S Dale (Clerk).
1 Report from the County Councillor.
The surgery this month was held in Lower Chapel,.Saturday, November 23rd is the date of the next surgery, it will be held at the same time as the Village Conversation – Connecting our Community (awaiting detail from the well being task force). It aims to strengthen the social network to support people.
The Speedwatch team will be represented and their activties udated. Dusk is seen to be the worst time for speeding. Many people are pleased with the teams performance.
The Flood Group is active, and we all feel the impact of flood events. JC raised Llangattock's issues.
Bus Transport and particularly the bus to Abergavenny from Brecon is greatly missed (see item 25) and it is hoped to be returned to the timetable.
Bus Consultation – Councillors have responded.
Electric Community Bus – it seems there are difficulties in including Llangynidr on the route.
Car Park Review – Crickhowell. They are looking at reinstating the 1hour short stay ticket.
Cllr Sian Cox has looked at the single transferable vote with Bwlch resident.
Powys' School Transport Policy will be discussed in Cabinet next monday (30/9/24).
Dropped kerbs fitting are planned for the near future. The 2 missing slabs have not turned up.
Forge Road signs to aprise motorists of pedestrians on the road (2 signs) to be chased up by the Clerk.
The branches impeding the back road for large vehicles have not been removed.
The culvert near the bungalow in Groesffordd has been cleared.
The Councillor then emphasised the need to stay aware of powys sustainability policy and asserted that the clerk should do this. One aspect of sustainability policy is community resilience.
There are 2 speedwatch signs near the Coach and Horses and the second on Forge Road.
2 Apologies:
David Mantle ,DM, and Mark Brian, MB.
3 Public participation:
PCSO from Crickhowell Station reporting on incidents between 25 August to 24th September.
2 injured animals were searched for but could not be found.
2 harassment calls.
Failure to stop a quad bike.
21/9 – Ultra running event in the village, some runners were competing very early in the morning and were of concern to some residents.
2 Trailers and 7 quadbikes have been stolen recently. The PCSO asks that owners remove their keys from vehicles when not in use. Some boys apparently looking for food around upper chapel, Brecon area but it was suspected that they were after quadbikes.
Reports of poaching on the Usk by the Vine Tree and by the telephone box Cider Mill.
The Bwlch Lady who walks down the A40 to the shop in Llangynidr is worrying the PCSO as the traffic is very busy and he in uncertain about her attention to it. Llangynidr Well-being Task-Force will be informed and the PCSO asked that he be kept informed.
4 Declaration of interest in items of business listed below:
GT declared an interest in item 6b Cheques (windfall of £7000 and grant of £3000) from the Community Council arising from his chairmanship of the Village Hall Committee.
5 Signing of the minutes; 30th July 2023 and 14th August.
6 Finance:
a. Budget v actuals report for year to date and bank reconciliation.
b. Cheques approved September 2024.
Clean the car park (Sept) £40.00
Clean the public conveniences (Sept)) £280.00
Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Sept) s £567.40
Car park non-domestic rates DD (Sept) £90.00 approval only
British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Jul DD) £26.53 approval only
British Gas (elec. for the public toilets AugDD) £23.57 approval only
British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Sep DD) £25.65 approval only
Car Park maintenance (Sept) £90.00
Llangynidr Village Hall – contribution/grant £3000.00
Llangynidr Village Hall – windfall £7000.00 approval only
Viking toilet supplies £81.58
Tree remedial works £1300.00 item 18.
Cae Porth expenses £20.99 item 10.
Clerk Back Pay (10 hours Sept) £130.60
c. Cheques approved July 2024.
Clean the car park (Jul and Aug) £80.00
Clean the public conveniences (Jul and Aug)) £560.00
Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Jul) so £567.40
Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Aug) so £567.40
Car park non-domestic rates DD (Jul) £90.00
Car park non-domestic rates DD (Aug) £90.00
Car Park maintenance (Jul) £90.00
Car Park maintenance (Aug) £90.00
Bench paint (for approval only) £30.66
Bench, with the Village Hall Committee £125.00
7 Correspondence
Notice of removal of cardboard collectors from the car park in October, 13/9 - Noted
Speedwatch observations and Forge Road as a site for observations. 19/9 -Noted
Powys County Council and Town & Community Council meeting 10/9 – Community Cllrs requested to attend next quarterly meeting.
Smart local energy capital funding 6/9 – Passed on to Hall.
Climate event at Strand Hall in Builth Wells 10-3pm, on 10/10. Noted
Policing priorities event 26/9, Theatre Brecheiniog, Brecon - Noted
Request for access to riverbank from NHS 28/9 - Approved
VE day beacon and lamp light of peace request for involvement 1/9 – to be passed on to the Celebration and Jubilee Committee.
8 Planning Applications
24/23185/FUL 19, Erw Bant. 1 hobbies room. No objections.
24/23210/CON Charnwood, Forge Road. No objections.
9 Rights of way and the local list committee to be formed with the purpose of advising council on rights of way and protecting the wash lanes and other sites. Expenditure excluded. Terms of reference to be circulated.
For a sub committee attached to the Rights of Way Committee. Members of the sub committee to meet with Bannau Brecheiniog National Park Authority, the Llangynidr Well-being Task Force and Llangynidr Local History Society 1 November. To discuss protection of the wash lanes and the creation of a local list incorporating the wash lanes and other objects of local significance. Also to make a map of all the wash lanes and possibly identify each with a plaque. Approved.
10 Persondy Field management – the license and advertisement suggested amendments to refletct the concerns of councillors. For discussion and approval.
The advert and licence document have been amended to include notice of the absence of water at the site the requirement to care and maintain the hedges, to have an option to extend the licence for up to 3 years (including the day per year when the licencee vacates the site in order to halt the build up of rights of ownership), . The advert was amended to allow anyone within a 5 mile radius to apply and for the grazing be for up to 15 sheep only.
It was noted that Llangynidr Community Council does not have to accept the highest bidder. Field husbandry to be evaluated by a questionnaire for each bidder to be submitted before council's licencing decision can be made.
11 Many thanks to volunteers who were active over the summer. Several tasks have been completed and will be detailed with expenses where receipted.
Seating for 4 at Cae Porth – Seats provided by Llangynidr Community Council, other materials provided in partnership by Highways at Powys County Council, a further 6 paving slabs were provided by a kind resident after theft from the site. The Well-being Task Force are providing 2 planters as well. Residents are delighted.
The Zig-zaggers group are to clean the pavement gutters of weeds along Cwm Crawnon Road 10am on Saturday 28th September.
The inside of the bridge has been cleaned of weeds. The County Councillor suggested using Powys County Council blue bags to dispose of the rubbish in the future.
Erw Bant alleyway has been cleaned again.
A big thank you to all those involved, and also to those others getting on with the business of keeping our village beautiful.
12 The remaining windfall amount (about £7000) to be discussed and allocated.
See also item 16 and 6b. Adjourned until October 24 to allow for further consultation with the Traffic Engineer at Powys County Council.
13 The hedge trimmimg at the car park to be confirmed.
Item adjourned to October 24.
14 Bank mandate application has not succeded, this time due to failure to meet the deadline. The bank have just reduced the interest on the reserve account ,would council make a change to unity bank or lloyds bank for all the accounts?
In principle fine to change to another bank. Clerk to document details of the proposed new account and report to council.
15 A councillor suggested saving the car park donations into the ring fenced fund.
Adjourned to October
16 Selection of a quote for variable speed indicators (see also item 12)
Councillors wanted to know if they have to have mobile units, some prefer fixed. Some councillors felt that a variable speed indicator should be put near the Coach and Horses end of Cwm Crawnon Road.
17 Dog bins review (map to be circulated).
Adjourned to October 24 – Cyffredin Lane to be considered as site for a new bin.
18 Tree report and remedial action to be approved.
Approved. The remedial work should be completed before Christmas. £1600.
19 Should speed on the back road be restricted to 40mph?
No, it would just irritate people, but council would like to consider the speed limit on the Beaufort Road next time (October 24).
20 Review of clerk employment process.
Would Council prefer to have a paperless system? Keep it as it is.
21 Review and approval of biodiversity report.
22 The car park has a fair bit of bracken, old mans beard and bindweed growing in it which will damage the hedge directly or make it more difficult to trim. Council seeks volunteers for a working party for that and further planting.
Clerk to write to the neighbours of the car park to explain that Bracken, Old Mans Beard and Bind weed have infested the car park and that these weeds weaken the hedge. The council will seek to protect the hedge and urges the neighbours to save their green waste for the designated bin and not to throw it into the car park or the buffer area.
23 Dates for litter pick in the next 6 months.
10.45am Saturday, October 19th 2024. Other dates to be fixed in October 24.
24 Support for the next village conversation to be considered, £50 for expenses.
Approved, the money to be used for 2 magnetic boards.
25 Buses do not serve people at Brecon Coleg.
The Community Council referred this item to the County Councillor.
26 Any other business.
Pentwyn footpaths status has not yet been resolved.
6/10 Sunday Refugee day, there are volunteers willing to help on the day.
Single Transferable Vote in Powys is being consulted upon.
Date of next meeting; Tuesday 29th October 2024.
There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed
the meeting at 9.50pm