Present: Mr David Williams, Mrs Jane Dawkins (Chairperson), Mrs Beth Carpenter, Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss and Mrs Jan Sharpless.

In Attendance: County Councillor Jackie Charlton, PCSO's from Crickhowell Station and S Dale (Clerk).

A guest from Bannau Brechieniog National Park Authority was unable to attend due to co-vid.

1 Report from the County Councillor.

Village Conversation on Well Being to be run in the Autumn by a local expert.

Purdah rules still in force.

Speedwatch – fantastic reports from the speed watch coordinator. Particular concerns around the Coach and Horses Pub approach and crossing. The Police Speedwatch expert felt the speed of vehicles was generally inappropriate. More signs are being arranged.

Public Transport – no news of the additional 5pm bus. However there is news of a local initiative for an electric bus to run between Gilwern and Llangynidr, work continues. And the transport review run by Tom Lewis , Officer at Powys County Council has requested feedback from Community Councillors. The stagecoach bus was observed travelling over the 20mph limit but further enquiries did not lead to any action.

Dropped kerbs have been requested for Cae Porth and Forge Road. No news yet.

The river bridge lights have been switched off by Powys County Council it is thought that drivers are a little more cautious and a bit kinder!

2 Apologies: MB, DM, GT and HD.

3 Declaration of interest in items of business listed below: None

4 Signing of the minutes;

28th May 2024. Approved

5 Public Participation : PCSOs from Crick Howell Station.

There have been 12 calls in the month from 26/5.

Large group of cyclists stopping traffic on the river bridge, traffic was backed almost up to the A40.

Burglary – In a timber yard in the early hours of the morning, the police could not find them.

Harassment – 3 calls

3 missing persons – over the Gwent boarder administrative.

Off road scrambler – young boy pillion rider.

6 Finance:

a. Budget v actuals report for year to date and bank reconciliation.


b. Cheques to be approved June 2024.

Cleaning the car park (Jun) £40.00

Clerk’s wages and stationery allowance (Jun so) £567.40

Cleaning the public conveniences (Jun) £280.00

British gas (elec. for the public toilets Jun) £27.18

Car Park non-domestic rates (Jun dd) £90.00

Car Park Maintenance (Jun) £90.00

Internal Auditor Fee (for approval only) £390.00

Hedge trimming (Cwm Crawnon Road) £300.00

c. Cheques approved May 2024

Clean the car park (May) £40.00

Clean the public conveniences (May) £280.00

Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (May) so £567.40

Car park non-domestic rates DD (May) £90.00

British Gas (elec. for the public toilets May DD) £27.53

Car Park Maintenance (May) £90.00

One Voice Wales membership top-up £27.00

Benches (2) £400.00

Viking toilet supplies £91.18

7 Correspondence:

- Road Closure on the River bridge 19/7/2024 - circulated

Road Closure on the B4558 at Pencelli 22 and 23/6/2024. - circulated

from a resident concerning an outline planning permission. To be circulated when the detailed planning permission is applied for.

Community Transport Group (local transport initiative) is asking for councillors to attend their meetings. Councillors requested that the clerk obtain dates of meetings for their diaries.

6 councils' meeting 27/6/24, 6.30 at Clarence Hall, Crickhowell. MB may attend.

A new LDP is to be introduced by the end of the FY. Circulated

Evidence that 20 mph restrictions are reducing accidents by 20%. Circulated

Cwmdu and District Community Council found that the vegetation at Pant Y Bailey corner (A40) had been cut back in the interim.

8 Confirm DW as Well-being advocate. Prop:LS-W, and Sec: JS

9 Co-option to the Community Council

adjourned to July meeting.

10 Results of the single question survey regarding the windfall.

Adjourned to July meeting to gain the view of the whole council.

11 The upkeep of the public toilets.

Council will continue to maintain the toilets for the moment.

12 Costs of a bench for people waiting for the bus to Abergavenny.

The costs were £125 as half the price of the bench and £30.66 for the paint.

13 Himalayan Balsam bash on the riverbank, details to be arranged.

Wednesday 10th July, 6pm meeting at the Walnut Tree Stores. Japanese Knotweed to be identified and labelled.

14 Thanks to Members of Llangynidr History Society for the war time display; the Village Hall Committee ,for the use of the Hall; Mr David Evans & helpers for the Beacon; the team at the Red Lion; Mr Neil Jones of Deliserve Ltd for donation of Burgers and Sausages and all the residents and volunteers who pulled the whole day together. Mr & Mrs Mantle for providing the Rations Prize and Llangynidr Church Bellringers. Grateful thanks for the entertainment provided by the children of Llangynidr Primary School, Ms Rebecca Games and the duo “Noted”.

The D-Day commemorations were very successful.The organiser reported that £500 would go to the veterans charity, £100 to the Primary School to help with music education and £70 to the Llangynidr Foodbank.

15 Hedges at Pen-yr-Ale, Dyffryn Road and Cwmcrawnon Road have grown and are now impeding pedestrians / traffic. The hedge on Cwm Crawnon road has grown well into the pavement and is to be trimmed by a local tree surgeon as it is an emergency (£300), approval sought.

The hedge on Cwm Crawnon Road has been trimmed. Dyffryn Road has been trimmed.

Councillors wished to thank the person who cleaned the Erw Bant steps.

This item to be adjourned till the July meeting.

16 There is a new gate on Pen-yr-Ale, residents seek reassurance that it is temporary.

The gate at Pen-Yr-Ale is a replacement not a new gate.

17 Data Policy for approval. Prop. JS and Sec. DW

A sentence in the policy is not consistent with legislation and should be removed.

18 Society of Local Council Clerks membership renewal. Prop: and Sec:

Council decided not to renew,

19 Confirmation of representative to the village hall. BC

20 Any other business for information only.

HR meeting Monday 8th July 6.30pm at the village hall.

Dog bins to be put on the agenda.

Wash lanes to be put on the agenda, Clerk to supply wash lanes information to LS-W.

Date of next meeting; Tuesday 30th July, 2024.

There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed

the meeting at 9.05pm