Present: Mr Mark Brian, Mr D Williams, Mr Harry Duff, Mrs Jane Dawkins (Chairperson), Mrs Beth Carpenter, Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss, Mrs Jan Sharpless and Mr G Woodcock and Mr David Mantle.
In Attendance: S Dale (Clerk), County Councillor Jackie Charlton, PCSO Lee Garrett and Jessica Jones.
The Chairperson sent sincere commiserations to those who had lost or had property damaged during Storm Bert.
1 Report from the County Councillor.
There is a Sustainable Powys meeting on Thursday – different from May (a precursor) JD to attend.
Climate and Nature Conference. JC can give a lift if needed, GW to attend.
Dropped kerbs and pedestrian signs, nothing has changed. JC to follow up.
Village Conversation took place on 23rd November. The weather was bad and not many turned up but it still yielded some very valuable information.
Mardy Lane flooding. MB and the Wellbeing Group cleared up. The system could not cope with the volume of water.
Welsh Government are helping residents who have suffered losses from flooding, please apply to Powys County Council.
Councillors wanted to know why the road sweeper does not sweep the whole village and stop flooding before it happens. JC responded that Mardy Lane is a known problem area in the autumn and after the leaf fall. Mill Road the storm drains are usually blocked with silt, again causing problems for residents.
“Contact” would be delighted to publish more information and to increase their distribution.
There was a letter from a concerned parent about the lack of a bus to and from Brecon College (8.30am to Brecon College and the 4pm from Brecon College used to work well). What can be done? JC suggested writing to Minister of transport, MPs, Mss and Powys County Council. A councillor suggested a petition. JC offered to ask a transport representative to a CC meeting.
2 Apologies:
Mr Gene Taylor.
3 Signing of the minutes;
Full meeting 29th October 24 and Human Resources Committee 12th November 24 to be approved January 21st 2025.
4 Declaration of interest in items of business listed below:
5 Public Participation - Crickhowell PCSO Lee Garrett.
There has been a quiet spell, only 11 calls this month:
2 concerning the Dyffryn Crawnon
1 from Ebbw Vale about road rage on Llangynidr Bridge.
Calls about threats made to a home owner in Llangynidr.
A vehicle registration number was incorrectly recorded.
An incident on the mountain where two boys asked the police for a lift!
Copies of 2 posters were circulated and will be put on the noticeboard.
The PCSO noted that there were people living rough on the mountain. He suggested calling Powys County Council so that they could have a welfare check.
6 Finance:
a. Budget v actuals report for year to date and bank reconciliation.
b. Cheques approved in November 2024
Clean the car park (Nov & Dec) £80.00
Clean the public conveniences (Nov & Dec) £560.00
Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Nov) so £567.40 see item 16
Deputy Clerk wages (December) so £673.50 see item 16
New Clerk wages and Stationery Allowance (Dec) £687.50 see item 16
Car park non-domestic rates DD (Nov) £90.00 approval only
British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Nov DD) £29.85 approval only
Car Park maintenance (Nov) £90.00
Clerk back pay and pay rise (10 hours Nov) £134.70
Persondy Field Millennium hedge treatment £250.00
Refund for 2 white boards (S Dale) £27.98
c. Cheques approved October 2024.
Clean the car park (Oct) £40.00
Clean the public conveniences (Oct)) £280.00
Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Oct) so £567.40
Car park non-domestic rates DD (Oct) £90.00 approval only
British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Oct DD) £26.53 approval only
Car Park maintenance (Oct) £90.00
Viking toilet supplies £81.58
Grant to task force £470.00 (item 20)
Clerk Back Pay (10 hours Oct) £130.60
Car park banner £31.39
Royal Legion Poppy Wreath £20.00
Pizza donation for Village Hall £300.00
The contractor was thanked for his good work on the millennium hedge.
7 To suspend Standing Order 26a to cancel item 12 October 2024; the choice and purchase of 2 variable speed indicators (SIDs). Review, choosing signs if appropriate.
2 * matrix signs are to be ordered.
Proposed:GW, Seconded:HD. Approved.
8 Reform of meeting procedures; would Council prefer to meet at 7pm rather than 7.30pm, immediately or from May? Would council prefer notices to be served with the agenda? Would council prefer more agenda/minutes/finance sheets to be available at meetings?
It was decided to meet at 7.30pm during the summer months (May, June, July, August, September, October) and 7.00pm in the winter months (November, December, January, February, March and April).
Reports and papers for the meetings should be sent with the agenda (using zip if necessary).
More copies of the finance sheet were requested (10 rather than 5), but agendas are okay at 5.
9 Persondy Field review of documents, before advertising the amended licence.
10 Clerk/RFO employment, ratifying the HR Committee decision; Jessica Jones is appointed from 1/12/24 as Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer at a rate of SCP 5 £12.21/hour. Contract to be signed. To be reviewed by 1/3/25.
Approved; JJ and the Chairperson signed the contracts one kept by the council and one kept by JJ.
11 Minutes and financial records may be stored, on loan to the County Archive, this service may be requested by the community council in a formal email to archive@powys.gov.uk.
It was decided to transfer the old records to Powys Archive (1972 to 2002) minutes and finances. Making space, in the village hall cupboard archive, for more recent records. The planning records kept in the archive cupboard could be shredded as they are now available from BBPNA electronically, the older ones on request, more recent ones on their website.
12 The Llangynidr Jubilee and Celebration Committee ask for financial (£400) and other support for the forthcoming VE anniversary events.
It was decided to award £150 to the Jubilee Committee. They currently plan a BBQ and beacon. Council also wanted to know about provision for senior residents.
13 The Llangynidr Well-being Group apply for funding for next year.
Council decided to discuss the application at the 21st January meeting when spending priorities for 2025-26 will be decided. The Council will be considering a cap to the contribution.
14 Solicitors' invoice and report concerning the Village Hall and recreation ground.
The invoice for £1954 was approved for payment. Proposed by MB and seconded by HD.
15 Updated Model Financial Regulations have been issued, the Auditor suggests that they should be adopted soon. A finance committee meeting to be scheduled.
The Finance Committee meets Tuesday 7th January 2025, the new financial regulations will be considered then.
16 New NALC pay scales have been issued, the new Clerk & RFO's starting salary now to be, £12.85/hour (SCP5) and Deputy Clerk & RFO salary to be £13.47 if approved. Deputy Clerk to sign a new contract to cover the handover.
17 A complaint about the recent finishing of the hedge trim in the car park. The resident, a near neighbour of the car park, complains that the hedge is now too short to protect his privacy, apparently in contradiction to council's minutes.
Bracken has smothered the hedge for about 5 metres of its length, the hedge has not grown there this season and was not cut during the annual trim. Clerk to write to the resident.
18 Correspondence:
- Sustainable Powys meeting Brecon 28/11/2024, 19.00 at Theatre Brecheiniog.
- Speedwatch results for Sept and Oct are available from the Clerk 15/11/24.
- Climate and nature conference for Community councils in Powys 7/12/24.
- Democracy in Community Councils in Wales published 19/11/24. Welsh Government wants younger people to be Community Councillors, so does the Community Council.
19 The Annual Governance and Accountability Returns for 22-23 and 23-24 have been completed with unqualified opinions, the electors rights are being advertised.
Approved, they will be published on the website https://www.llangynidrcouncil.org.uk.
20 Insurance must be purchased by the 11th December 24. Adjourned from October.
The Community First policy and contracts disputes insurance was selected (£387.60). Approved.
21 A strategy to select a computer and mobile telephone for the new clerk in January.
JJ has sourced a computer from home to host the council's work and has found a mobile telephone at a good price (£399.00) from three prices. Approved.
22 To set dates for litter picks until May 2025.
There will be a litter pick on Saturday 7th December (10.45am in the car park). Other dates will be decided on 21st January 2025. The item was adjourned.
23 Report of the Local List etc meeting held on the 1/11/24.
The first step towards putting the wash lanes on the local list has been taken. The Bannau Brecheiniog National Park Authority (BBNPA) will have to consult with residents about inclusions on the local list. A report of the meeting can be found on the web site https://www.llangynidrcouncil.org.uk
on the news and notices page.
24 Responsibility for maintaining the War Memorial.
The War Memorial is a Grade 2 listed building, built in 1920. Clerk to write to Ann Jessop of the Llangynidr Local History Society (LLHSoc.) with an assurance of assistance if the maintenance of the War Memorial is no-longer viable for the LLHSoc.
25 Any other business (for information only).
-The very heavy rain caused a lot of water to run down the Bwlch side of Forge Road from the A40 creating a large but not very deep hole in the road surface.
-The Small Water Courses Officer at Powys County Council has said he would look at the damage caused by Nant Glaisfer on Thursday (28/11/24).
Date of next meetings;
Tuesday January 7th 2025- Finance Committee meeting.
Tuesday January 20th 2025 – Full council and precept meeting.
There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed the meeting at 9.45pm
https://www.llangynidrcouncil.org.uk/application/files/8917/3296/5053/Speedwatch_update_nov_24.pdf link to speed watch update.