Public participation: County Councillor PCSO from Crickhowell.

Present: Mr Mark Brian, Mr David Williams, Mr Harry Duff, Mr David Mantle, Mrs Jane Dawkins (Chairperson), Mrs Jan Sharpless and Mr G Woodcock and Mrs Lisa Spencer-Weiss.

In Attendance: PCSO Lee Garrett, County Councillor and S Dale (Clerk).

Report from the County Councillor.

A village conversation is planned for 23/11 10-1pm in the committee room of the village hall. There are a couple of questions about caring in the community which will be framed by facilitators. The aim of the event is to talk to 10-12 residents about care in the community, how do you look after the elderly and how to ask for help.

There is a Village repair cafe at Llangattock, looking after bicycles, lawn mowers and sewing machines etc. Accompanied by tea and cake!

Monmouthshire Rural Network run hair cuts for those that ask and talk through their problems which helps.

Other resources include a Llangynidr mixed village choir, great socially.

Speed watch is going well.

Posiitve feedback about the 20mph restriction across Wales. There will be new guidance in the Spring. In the meantime it has been established that there have been reductions in serious injuries and deaths.

The Community Transport Group are looking for support. They hope to run a 6 month feasibiity study on a pay for use basis.

The hoped for late bus to Abergavenny (5.15-5.30pm) is not likely to be reinstated at the moment unfortunantely. There is a new Brecon College (Neath, Port Tabot) but will Llangynidr be able to get the students there and back?. 4% of transport budget for Powys is not enough.

Powys Car Parking Review of Llangynidr will report soon hopefully.

The Single Transferable vote debate was lost in Powys County Council.Road signs on Forge Road – Area Traffic Engineer to have fitted.

Blaen y Myarth has blocked storm drains, Powys County Council to be alerted.

Dog Bins – these are emptied 3 times a week. Often they contain household waste aswell, this is an abuse of the facility. “No household waste stickers” will be supplied by Powys County Council – operatives check the bins and look for identification in the household waste in order to prosecute fly tippers.

There will be no new bins as they encourage littering. The bin by the pre-school will be tolerated by the neighour as it is emptied 3 times a week. The bin by Walnut Tree Stores is not a dog waste bin. A suggestion for a bin by Cyffreddin Lane (Fro Bridge) will not be filled.

JC will circulated a leaflet, whats new/whats done

Sustainable Powys – developing community resilience.

Woodland on Llangynidr/Llangattock mountain meeting will take place shortly and the major meeting will take place on the 11/11. There is a 52 page report on the subject but access does not seem straightforward.

2 Apologies:

Mr Gene Taylor (GT) and Mrs Beth Carpenter (BC)


3 Declaration of interest in items of business listed below:



4 Signing of the minutes;

24th September 24 and Human Resources Committee 21st October 24. Approved

5 Public Participation – Crickhowell PCSO Lee Garrett.

11 calls over the month. 4 of those calls concern a 55 plate silver fiesta which was around the day before a quad bike was stolen in Bwlch.

1 call about an earthquake?

1 call was an accidental call.

1 was a welfare call.

1 call concerned a farmer in the Dyffryn Crawnon valley who broke his leg when his quad tipped over.

There was an incident on the mountain which closed the area. There are many people who are living on the mountain .

There was an accident on the hairpin bend which was not reported.

Halloween posters saying “no callers please” will be distributed.

Residents will be aware of the issue of fireworks near animals, please be careful near stock.

The PCSO warned of a likely increase in criminal activity now that the clocks have gone back.

Finally the police have a suspect for a van stolen from a local deliveryman.


6 Clerk's report

New financial Regulations.

Powys Climate and Nature Confernece 10-4pm 7/12/24 Metropole Hotel, Llandrindod Wells.

Gabb and Co Solicitor will get back to the Clerk before the 26/11.


7 Finance:

(a) Bank reconciliation and year to date budget v actuals for approval.

(b) Cheques approved in October 24:

Clean the car park (Oct) £40.00

Clean the public conveniences (Oct)) £280.00

Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Oct) so £567.40

Car park non-domestic rates DD (Oct) £90.00 approval only

British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Oct DD) £26.53 approval only

Car Park maintenance (Oct) £90.00

Viking toilet supplies £81.58

Grant to task force £470.00 (item 20)

Clerk Back Pay (10 hours Oct) £130.60

Car park banner £31.39

Royal Legion Poppy Wreath £20.00

Pizza donation for Village Hall £300.00

(c) Cheques approved in September 2024:

Clean the car park (Sept) £40.00

Clean the public conveniences (Sept)) £280.00

Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Sept) so £567.40

Car park non-domestic rates DD (Sept) £90.00 approval only

British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Jul DD) £26.53 approval only

British Gas (elec. for the public toilets AugDD) £23.57 approval only

British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Sep DD) £25.65 approval only

Car Park maintenance (Sept) £90.00

Llangynidr Village Hall – contribution/grant £3000.00

Llangynidr Village Hall – windfall £7000.00 approval only

Viking toilet supplies £81.58

Tree remedial works £1300.00 item 18.

Cae Porth expenses £20.99 item 10.

Clerk Back Pay (10 hours Sept) £130.60

8 Planning Applications:

24/230666/FUL The Halt ,driveway boundary amended- No Objections

24/23207/FUL 12 Blaen y Myarth, Extension and new pitched roof - No objections

24/22096/FUL Llanerchybeudy, Poly tunnel and other innovations - No Objections

24//22639/FUL Tree Nursery - Please put the hedging back where gate will be removed and please be aware of the nasty bend in the road at the site of the new gate. 


9 Correspondence:

- Town and Community Councils meeting with Powys County Council 11/12/2024 details to be announced.

Invitation to the Crickhowell Locality Network, Wednesday 27/11/24 10.30M TO 12 noon. To discuss the Social Value Forum Fund 25 at Clarence Hall.

New neighbourhood watch website, ourwatch.org.uk.

Thanks for Independent Remuneration Panel Return.

Adopt a site final payment November.

5 Councils meeting in November, around 20th 2024.

Penmarch windfarm, any additional comments after “ no objections” 27/2.

Request from Llangattock Community Council for attendance at afforestation meeting 11th November venue to be decided.

10 “Contact” request for support £150.


11 Clerk Job Application: Process to employment decision to be delegated to the HR Committee and stopping of current Clerk's pay at the end of November.

The employment process, including the decision, to be delegated to the HR Committee. An interview has been arranged for 5th November.

Clerks pay to continue under standing order for the moment.


12 The remaining windfall amount to be discussed and allocated after consultation with Area Traffic Engineer and the decision on the Variable Speed Indicators.

Two TWM Matrix signs were selected at the price about £9000, with a 5 year guarrentee. Traffic data can be picked up from the sign “easily”!

6 ground sockets from Powys County Council were approved a arouund £3000. The Area Traffic Engineer has stated that the Forge Road Junction socket should be placed “not too close to the junction”.

With regards to the £7000 given to the Village Hall several councillors want to see it put towards a definable project.

The remains should be earmarked for any expenses associated with the protection of the wash lanes.

13 Hedge trimming at the car park to be confirmed.

Approved £390. Next year arrangements should be made to clear the car park before the inner trimming, so will require co-ordinatoin between the contractor and the Community Council.

14 Change of bank account proposed, continued from September.

Awaits new clerk, adjourn.

15 Proposed, car park donations into the ring fenced fund. (Adjourned from September).

Donations to be put in to the reserve bank account for ease of administration. To be separately accounted in the monthly financial statement so that Councillors can see progress. Back dated to 1st April 2024.

16 Dog bin review, adjourned from October for further investigations.

The review has taken place and is reported in item 1 – in summary no change.

17 To consider the speed limit on the Beaufort Road.

Stock deaths, near misses with horses and vehicles.

Telegraph pole in need of replacement – waiting for 3 years.

18 Litter pick dates to be fixed.


19 Proposed to end Zoom remote meeting program contract


20 Insurance competition for 24-25.

Adjourned for quotes on contract disputes.

21 Application for a grant from the Well-being Taskforce (£470).

Expenditure for 10 flower planters was approved £479.28.


22 Persondy field license for advertisement.

Clerk to advertise. Offer to be restricted to one year only.

23 Remembrance Day 9th November 2024. A volunteer is needed to lay the wreath.

The outgoing Clerk is to lay the wreath. Approved

24 Any other business (for information only).

The first bend going up Beaufort Road the tarmac is rippled on the left hand side, it is a poor driving surface.

A councillor recommended a firm of Brecon Solicitors.

25 Any other business? (for information only)

Date of next meeting; Tuesday November 26th, 20224

There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed

the meeting at 9.50pm.