Public participation: Bannau Brecheiniog National Park Rights of Way Officer, Resident of the Dyffryn Crawnon Valley, PCSO from Crickhowell.
Present: Mr Mark Brian, Mr D Williams, Mr Harry Duff, Mrs Jane Dawkins (Chairperson), Mrs Beth Carpenter, Mrs Jan Sharpless and Mr G Woodcock (co-opted item 9) and Mr Gene Taylor.
In Attendance: County Councillor Jackie Charlton, Rights of Way Officer from Bannau Brecheiniog National Park, PCSO from Crickhowell, 2 members of the public (Item 9 and item 21) and S Dale (Clerk)
The Chairperson welcomed all and invited JC to give her report.
1. Report from the County Councillor.
Congratulations to the Village Hall Committee on their Summer Sounds success ,despite the disappointing weather. Congratulations also for their Annual General Meeting, JC wishes them all the best.
Congratulations to the Speed watch team . A risk assessment has been completed for Cwm Crawnon Road (Coach and Horses area) , although it is not yet known when sessions can be started there.
Fern growth on the Mountain Road is verdant and encouraging sheep to shelter too close to the road. Ken Skates is aware of stock deaths in commons land. A written report has yet to be sent.
There is also feeling that drivers/riders are not realistic in their driving on commons land like Llangynidr's, but there may be help from New Zealand, painting curves around corners for motorcyclists to follow. The practice has been shown to save lives.
JC's Surgery raised the issue of the electric bus stop sign being out for 18 months. Not unusual!
It needs upgrading to 4G.
The Brecon bus in the late afternoon is not yet running. Also the college people are not served either.
The Powys County Council Transport Review is current, the community needs to engage with the process, JC is listening and supporting.
Community Transport electric bus project has shared information they gathered for their project with the transport review.
Dropped kerb in Cae Porth and Forge Road, although that is the more difficult, will go ahead.
The back road (B4558) continues to give concern over the overgrown low -hanging branches,. There have been 2 near misses it is an open road with no restrictions. JC will keep an eye on the situation – what would the community feel if the back road was restricted to 40 mph? The median speed is 30mph!
Engineers will come as a priority to repair the lights. The guarantee has run out but Powys County Council will fund the repair. But JC would like to know if the bridge crossing works better without the lights? A councillor asked if Bwlch side could be given the priority? As that side has a more difficult reverse.
The Community Well-Being Taskforce has already helped the village by smartening up the stone bridge sign and have volunteered to help with the new benches for Cae Porth.
Sustainable Powys sharing with Town and Community Councils ; the process will yield big changes in Powys.
2. Apologies:
3. Declaration of interest in items of business listed below:
4. Signing of the minutes;
25th June, 8th July and 11th July 2024.
5. Public Participation.
Lee Garrett, the PCSO from Crickhowell reported on 20 incidents:
-Theft from the Welsh Water engineering site in Llangynidr.
-Off-road bikers in the Dyffryn Crawnon have been linked to theft incidents.
-Collapsed person on the floor, the police were called.
-Fraud victim had constant requests for money. Please take care.
-2 reports of drink driving.
-Dyffryn Crawnon, an unknown person near farm gates. PCSO asks for residents to keep vigilant and report if they observe anything unusual.
-Music and Summer Sounds were too loud for a resident.
-Complaints about the ultra event on the weekend of the 27th July. The booking at the hall was for 8 to 12 noon. It was a huge event and swamped the available parking causing chaos on local roads. The Village Hall is requested to warn the police in similar circumstances.
-A sheep shearing event is part of the Agricultural Show in August.
-Police are alerted if certain high risk people are caught on camera at Garnlydan.
-Drivers are going into the quarry at around 2am and being very noisy.
Rights of Way Officer for Bannau Brecheiniog National Park reported on 2023-24.
Some 20 jobs, costed at £2197 were achieved by staff (ie not volunteers).
Fixing stiles for example. No works of bridges, on the Crawnon, not canal bridges. The Beacons way and Usk Valley Way have been promoted and a random survey of 200km across the Park has been walked.
The web site is a good and effective way to report problems and find out what is going on in the Park.
6. Finance:
a. Budget v actuals report for year to date and bank reconciliation.
Cancelling a redundant cheque to British Gas £50, approved.
b. Cheques approved July 2024.
Clean the car park (Jul and Aug) £80.00
Clean the public conveniences (Jul and Aug)) £560.00
Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Jul) so £567.40
Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Aug) so £567.40
Car park non-domestic rates DD (Jul) £90.00
Car park non-domestic rates DD (Aug) £90.00
British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Jun DD) £26.53
Car Park maintenance (Jul & Aug)) £180.00
Bench paint (for approval only) £30.66
Bench, with the Village Hall Committee £125.00
Village Hall Charity (room hire)(approval only) £175.00
Renton-initial (sanitation)(approval only) £379.82
Replacement benches for Cae Porth. £399.98
Chairpersons Allowance 2024-25 £150.00
c. Cheques approved June 2024.
Clean the car park (Jun) £40.00
Clean the public conveniences (Jun) £280.00
Clerk's wages and stationery allowance (Jun) so £567.40
Car park non-domestic rates DD (Jun) £90.00
British Gas (elec. for the public toilets Jun DD) £27.18
Car Park maintenance (Jun) £90.00
Internal auditor fee (for approval only) £390.00
Hedgetrimming Cwm Crawnon Road £300.00
7. Correspondence.
-Numeracy Scheme Grant and Information, HD
-Crickhowell Locality Network –11/9 10.30-12pm Llangynidr Village Hall. JD
-Escalation route for Llangynidr Community Council. Circulated.
-Speed watch update. Circulated
-Standards Committee report. Noted.
8. Planning Applications:
24/23026/FUL, 25 Clos Castell, extension. No objections.
24/23012/FUL, 45 Pencommin. Rear extension and partial garage conversion. No objections.
9. Co-option to the Community Council, adjourned from June.
Mr Gareth Woodcock was co-opted on to the council unanimously. He was welcomed by the Chairperson.
10. Results of the single question survey regarding the windfall to be discussed and action agreed, adjourned from June.
Traffic calming represented about a third of the comments (the largest of the comment categories). Council have been advised to work directly with Powys County Council. To buy and install 2 variable speed indicators. JC recommended an Officer who can help – clerk to contact. Estimated cost £7000.
Support for the Village Hall was the second most popular comment category. £7000 to be set aside for this. It will help them achieve a track around the perimeter of the playing field which the community requested in their consuiltation.
The last £6000 or so portion of the windfall will be considered next meeting (September).
11. Dog bins to be reviewed.
Adjourned to September.
12. Thanks to; the volunteers who took part in the Balsam Bash 10/7, the village litter pick 13/7 and the installation of the new bench at the bus stop (with the village hall committee), the unknown volunteers who cleared the Erw Bant steps and the Community Well-being Taskforce who gave the stone sign a face lift.
13. A Rights of Way Committee to be delegated and also to create a sub-committee to have decision making in the matter of protecting Llangynidr's wash lanes. Terms of reference have been circulated and are submitted for approval. Prop. and Sec.
Adjourned to September.
14. Bind weed has been identified in the car park, a neighbour has requested action.
BC will see if she can remove it.
15. Residents of Cae Porth have requested 2 companion benches to enable them to meet with their neighbours. Powys County Council would like to provide fixing materials, they need to see the details first Benches at £199.99 each, to be provided by the Community Council if approved, along with 2 flower troughs.
Approved, except that the 2 flower troughs may be provided by the Community Well-being Taskforce. This is an example of the Community, Community Council and Powys County Council all working together to help residents.
16. There are overgrown hedges in Pen-Yr-Ale, Clerk to write, if approved.
Letters to be sent by the Clerk. BC volunteered to pick up the trimmings for the Community Well-being Taskforce if residents ask for help.
17. Advert for the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer role is submitted for approval.
18. Report of the Human Resources Committee, which met 8/7/2024.
Clerk was given a 95% rating and was acknowledged as acceptable in the role. Hours were discussed, 50 hours per month was approved to allow more time to complete tasks. This would need to be reflected in the information to any job applicant. Support for the clerk includes an offer of proof-reading by JS. Approved.
19. Applications for a development grants from Keep Wales Tidy (community garden) and Big Lottery fund jointly with Llangynidr Village Hall.
Approved, Clerk to consult with Grants Officer for the Hall about the Big Lottery Fund application. Clerk to apply for the Keep Wales Tidy Grant.
20. Tree survey of current assets to be approved.
Approved, budget of £500 only.
21. A resident, who lives next door to the site of a recent planning application, is complaining that Council did not alert him to the planning application while consultation was in progress. As a result his comments were not considered.
The Community Council has been advised that the application is likely to be re-consulted.
22. Arrangements for Green Man traffic mitigation, to be approved.
The bridge passes will be distributed to residents ans other locals.
23. Concerns have arisen about antisocial behaviour late at night in the car park.
The police have been notified.
24. Letter of support requested from HLF Wales by 1/8/2024.
Not enough detail in the request, request denied on this occasion.
25. Any other business (for information only).
-6 local Community Councils , including Llangynidr, met with the CEO of Powys County Council. The CEO indicated that PCC would be distributing their offices, they are looking to increase the budget for Social Care and education, PCC wants to improve linkages in buses.
-A letter, purporting to be from Llangynidr Community Council has been received by a resident The resident has been assured the the letter is fraudulent by the Clerk. The incident is to be reported to the PCSO.
Date of next meeting: 24th September 2024
There being no further business to discuss the Chairperson closed
the meeting at 9.50pm